Source code for menpofit.atm.base

from __future__ import division
import warnings
import numpy as np

from menpo.feature import no_op
from menpo.visualize import print_dynamic
from menpo.transform import Scale
from menpo.shape import mean_pointcloud
from menpo.base import name_of_callable

from menpofit import checks
from menpofit.modelinstance import OrthoPDM
from menpofit.transform import (
from menpofit.base import batch
from menpofit.builder import (

from .algorithm import (

[docs]class ATM(object): r""" Class for training a multi-scale holistic Active Template Model. Parameters ---------- template : `menpo.image.Image` The template image. shapes : `list` of `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The `list` of training shapes. group : `str` or ``None``, optional The landmark group of the `template` that will be used to train the ATM. If ``None`` and the `template` only has a single landmark group, then that is the one that will be used. holistic_features : `closure` or `list` of `closure`, optional The features that will be extracted from the training images. Note that the features are extracted before warping the images to the reference shape. If `list`, then it must define a feature function per scale. Please refer to `menpo.feature` for a list of potential features. reference_shape : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` or ``None``, optional The reference shape that will be used for building the ATM. The purpose of the reference shape is to normalise the size of the training images. The normalization is performed by rescaling all the training images so that the scale of their ground truth shapes matches the scale of the reference shape. Note that the reference shape is rescaled with respect to the `diagonal` before performing the normalisation. If ``None``, then the mean shape will be used. diagonal : `int` or ``None``, optional This parameter is used to rescale the reference shape so that the diagonal of its bounding box matches the provided value. In other words, this parameter controls the size of the model at the highest scale. If ``None``, then the reference shape does not get rescaled. scales : `float` or `tuple` of `float`, optional The scale value of each scale. They must provided in ascending order, i.e. from lowest to highest scale. If `float`, then a single scale is assumed. transform : `subclass` of :map:`DL` and :map:`DX`, optional A differential warp transform object, e.g. :map:`DifferentiablePiecewiseAffine` or :map:`DifferentiableThinPlateSplines`. shape_model_cls : `subclass` of :map:`PDM`, optional The class to be used for building the shape model. The most common choice is :map:`OrthoPDM`. max_shape_components : `int`, `float`, `list` of those or ``None``, optional The number of shape components to keep. If `int`, then it sets the exact number of components. If `float`, then it defines the variance percentage that will be kept. If `list`, then it should define a value per scale. If a single number, then this will be applied to all scales. If ``None``, then all the components are kept. Note that the unused components will be permanently trimmed. verbose : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then the progress of building the ATM will be printed. batch_size : `int` or ``None``, optional If an `int` is provided, then the training is performed in an incremental fashion on image batches of size equal to the provided value. If ``None``, then the training is performed directly on the all the images. References ---------- .. [1] S. Baker, and I. Matthews. "Lucas-Kanade 20 years on: A unifying framework", International Journal of Computer Vision, 56(3): 221-255, 2004. """ def __init__( self, template, shapes, group=None, holistic_features=no_op, reference_shape=None, diagonal=None, scales=(0.5, 1.0), transform=DifferentiablePiecewiseAffine, shape_model_cls=OrthoPDM, max_shape_components=None, verbose=False, batch_size=None, ): # Check arguments checks.check_diagonal(diagonal) n_scales = len(scales) scales = checks.check_scales(scales) holistic_features = checks.check_callable(holistic_features, n_scales) max_shape_components = checks.check_max_components( max_shape_components, n_scales, "max_shape_components" ) shape_model_cls = checks.check_callable(shape_model_cls, n_scales) # Assign attributes self.holistic_features = holistic_features self.transform = transform self.diagonal = diagonal self.scales = scales self.max_shape_components = max_shape_components self.reference_shape = reference_shape self.shape_models = [] self.warped_templates = [] self._shape_model_cls = shape_model_cls # Train ATM self._train( template, shapes, increment=False, group=group, verbose=verbose, batch_size=batch_size, ) def _train( self, template, shapes, increment=False, group=None, shape_forgetting_factor=1.0, verbose=False, batch_size=None, ): # If batch_size is not None, then we may have a generator, else we # assume we have a list. if batch_size is not None: # Create a generator of fixed sized batches. Will still work even # on an infinite list. shape_batches = batch(shapes, batch_size) else: shape_batches = [list(shapes)] for k, shape_batch in enumerate(shape_batches): if k == 0: # Rescale the template the reference shape if self.reference_shape is None: # If no reference shape was given, use the mean of the first # batch if batch_size is not None: warnings.warn( "No reference shape was provided. The " "mean of the first batch will be the " "reference shape. If the batch mean is " "not representative of the true mean, " "this may cause issues.", MenpoFitBuilderWarning, ) checks.check_trilist(shape_batch[0], self.transform) self.reference_shape = compute_reference_shape( shape_batch, self.diagonal, verbose=verbose ) # Rescale the template the reference shape template = template.rescale_to_pointcloud( self.reference_shape, group=group ) # After the first batch, we are incrementing the model if k > 0: increment = True if verbose: print("Computing batch {}".format(k)) # Train each batch self._train_batch( template, shape_batch, increment=increment, group=group, shape_forgetting_factor=shape_forgetting_factor, verbose=verbose, ) def _train_batch( self, template, shape_batch, increment=False, group=None, shape_forgetting_factor=1.0, verbose=False, ): # build models at each scale if verbose: print_dynamic("- Building models\n") feature_images = [] # for each scale (low --> high) for j in range(self.n_scales): if verbose: if len(self.scales) > 1: scale_prefix = " - Scale {}: ".format(j) else: scale_prefix = " - " else: scale_prefix = None # Handle features if j == 0 or self.holistic_features[j] is not self.holistic_features[j - 1]: # Compute features only if this is the first pass through # the loop or the features at this scale are different from # the features at the previous scale feature_images = compute_features( [template], self.holistic_features[j], prefix=scale_prefix, verbose=verbose, ) # handle scales if self.scales[j] != 1: # Scale feature images only if scale is different than 1 scaled_images = scale_images( feature_images, self.scales[j], prefix=scale_prefix, verbose=verbose ) # Extract potentially rescaled shapes scale_transform = Scale(scale_factor=self.scales[j], n_dims=2) scale_shapes = [scale_transform.apply(s) for s in shape_batch] else: scaled_images = feature_images scale_shapes = shape_batch # Build the shape model if verbose: print_dynamic("{}Building shape model".format(scale_prefix)) if not increment: shape_model = self._build_shape_model(scale_shapes, j) self.shape_models.append(shape_model) else: self._increment_shape_model( scale_shapes, j, forgetting_factor=shape_forgetting_factor ) # Obtain warped images - we use a scaled version of the # reference shape, computed here. This is because the mean # moves when we are incrementing, and we need a consistent # reference frame. scaled_reference_shape = Scale(self.scales[j], n_dims=2).apply( self.reference_shape ) warped_template = self._warp_template( scaled_images[0], group, scaled_reference_shape, j, scale_prefix, verbose, ) self.warped_templates.append(warped_template[0]) if verbose: print_dynamic("{}Done\n".format(scale_prefix))
[docs] def increment( self, template, shapes, group=None, shape_forgetting_factor=1.0, verbose=False, batch_size=None, ): r""" Method to increment the trained ATM with a new set of training shapes and a new template. Parameters ---------- template : `menpo.image.Image` The template image. shapes : `list` of `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The `list` of training shapes. group : `str` or ``None``, optional The landmark group of the `template` that will be used to train the ATM. If ``None`` and the `template` only has a single landmark group, then that is the one that will be used. shape_forgetting_factor : ``[0.0, 1.0]`` `float`, optional Forgetting factor that weights the relative contribution of new samples vs old samples for the shape model. If ``1.0``, all samples are weighted equally and, hence, the result is the exact same as performing batch PCA on the concatenated list of old and new simples. If ``<1.0``, more emphasis is put on the new samples. verbose : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then the progress of building the ATM will be printed. batch_size : `int` or ``None``, optional If an `int` is provided, then the training is performed in an incremental fashion on image batches of size equal to the provided value. If ``None``, then the training is performed directly on the all the images. """ return self._train( template, shapes, group=group, verbose=verbose, shape_forgetting_factor=shape_forgetting_factor, increment=True, batch_size=batch_size, )
def _build_shape_model(self, shapes, scale_index): return self._shape_model_cls[scale_index]( shapes, max_n_components=self.max_shape_components[scale_index] ) def _increment_shape_model(self, shapes, scale_index, forgetting_factor=None): self.shape_models[scale_index].increment( shapes, forgetting_factor=forgetting_factor, max_n_components=self.max_shape_components[scale_index], ) def _warp_template( self, template, group, reference_shape, scale_index, prefix, verbose ): reference_frame = build_reference_frame(reference_shape) shape = template.landmarks[group] return warp_images( [template], [shape], reference_frame, self.transform, prefix=prefix, verbose=verbose, ) @property def n_scales(self): """ Returns the number of scales. :type: `int` """ return len(self.scales) @property def _str_title(self): return "Holistic Active Template Model"
[docs] def instance(self, shape_weights=None, scale_index=-1): r""" Generates a novel ATM instance given a set of shape weights. If no weights are provided, the mean ATM instance is returned. Parameters ---------- shape_weights : ``(n_weights,)`` `ndarray` or `list` or ``None``, optional The weights of the shape model that will be used to create a novel shape instance. If ``None``, the weights are assumed to be zero, thus the mean shape is used. scale_index : `int`, optional The scale to be used. Returns ------- image : `menpo.image.Image` The ATM instance. """ if shape_weights is None: shape_weights = [0] sm = self.shape_models[scale_index].model template = self.warped_templates[scale_index] shape_instance = sm.instance(shape_weights, normalized_weights=True) return self._instance(shape_instance, template)
[docs] def random_instance(self, scale_index=-1): r""" Generates a random instance of the ATM. Parameters ---------- scale_index : `int`, optional The scale to be used. Returns ------- image : `menpo.image.Image` The ATM instance. """ sm = self.shape_models[scale_index].model template = self.warped_templates[scale_index] # TODO: this bit of logic should to be transferred down to PCAModel shape_weights = np.random.randn(sm.n_active_components) shape_instance = sm.instance(shape_weights, normalized_weights=True) return self._instance(shape_instance, template)
def _instance(self, shape_instance, template): landmarks = template.landmarks["source"] reference_frame = build_reference_frame(shape_instance) transform = self.transform(reference_frame.landmarks["source"], landmarks) return template.as_unmasked(copy=False).warp_to_mask( reference_frame.mask, transform, warp_landmarks=True )
[docs] def build_fitter_interfaces(self, sampling): r""" Method that builds the correct Lucas-Kanade fitting interface. Parameters ---------- sampling : `list` of `int` or `ndarray` or ``None`` It defines a sampling mask per scale. If `int`, then it defines the sub-sampling step of the sampling mask. If `ndarray`, then it explicitly defines the sampling mask. If ``None``, then no sub-sampling is applied. Returns ------- fitter_interfaces : `list` The `list` of Lucas-Kanade interface per scale. """ interfaces = [] for wt, sm, s in zip(self.warped_templates, self.shape_models, sampling): md_transform = OrthoMDTransform( sm, self.transform, source=wt.landmarks["source"] ) interface = ATMLucasKanadeStandardInterface(md_transform, wt, sampling=s) interfaces.append(interface) return interfaces
def __str__(self): return _atm_str(self)
[docs]class MaskedATM(ATM): r""" Class for training a multi-scale patch-based Masked Active Template Model. The appearance of this model is formulated by simply masking an image with a patch-based mask. Parameters ---------- template : `menpo.image.Image` The template image. shapes : `list` of `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The `list` of training shapes. group : `str` or ``None``, optional The landmark group of the `template` that will be used to train the ATM. If ``None`` and the `template` only has a single landmark group, then that is the one that will be used. holistic_features : `closure` or `list` of `closure`, optional The features that will be extracted from the training images. Note that the features are extracted before warping the images to the reference shape. If `list`, then it must define a feature function per scale. Please refer to `menpo.feature` for a list of potential features. reference_shape : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` or ``None``, optional The reference shape that will be used for building the ATM. The purpose of the reference shape is to normalise the size of the training images. The normalization is performed by rescaling all the training images so that the scale of their ground truth shapes matches the scale of the reference shape. Note that the reference shape is rescaled with respect to the `diagonal` before performing the normalisation. If ``None``, then the mean shape will be used. diagonal : `int` or ``None``, optional This parameter is used to rescale the reference shape so that the diagonal of its bounding box matches the provided value. In other words, this parameter controls the size of the model at the highest scale. If ``None``, then the reference shape does not get rescaled. scales : `float` or `tuple` of `float`, optional The scale value of each scale. They must provided in ascending order, i.e. from lowest to highest scale. If `float`, then a single scale is assumed. patch_shape : (`int`, `int`), optional The size of the patches of the mask that is used to sample the appearance vectors. max_shape_components : `int`, `float`, `list` of those or ``None``, optional The number of shape components to keep. If `int`, then it sets the exact number of components. If `float`, then it defines the variance percentage that will be kept. If `list`, then it should define a value per scale. If a single number, then this will be applied to all scales. If ``None``, then all the components are kept. Note that the unused components will be permanently trimmed. verbose : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then the progress of building the ATM will be printed. batch_size : `int` or ``None``, optional If an `int` is provided, then the training is performed in an incremental fashion on image batches of size equal to the provided value. If ``None``, then the training is performed directly on the all the images. """ def __init__( self, template, shapes, group=None, holistic_features=no_op, reference_shape=None, diagonal=None, scales=(0.5, 1.0), patch_shape=(17, 17), max_shape_components=None, verbose=False, batch_size=None, ): # Check arguments self.patch_shape = checks.check_patch_shape(patch_shape, len(scales)) # Call superclass super(MaskedATM, self).__init__( template, shapes, group=group, holistic_features=holistic_features, reference_shape=reference_shape, diagonal=diagonal, scales=scales, transform=DifferentiableThinPlateSplines, max_shape_components=max_shape_components, verbose=verbose, batch_size=batch_size, ) def _warp_template( self, template, group, reference_shape, scale_index, prefix, verbose ): reference_frame = build_patch_reference_frame( reference_shape, patch_shape=self.patch_shape[scale_index] ) shape = template.landmarks[group] return warp_images( [template], [shape], reference_frame, self.transform, prefix=prefix, verbose=verbose, ) @property def _str_title(self): return "Masked Active Template Model" def _instance(self, shape_instance, template): landmarks = template.landmarks["source"] reference_frame = build_patch_reference_frame( shape_instance, patch_shape=self.patch_shape ) transform = self.transform(reference_frame.landmarks["source"], landmarks) return template.as_unmasked().warp_to_mask( reference_frame.mask, transform, warp_landmarks=True ) def __str__(self): return _atm_str(self)
[docs]class LinearATM(ATM): r""" Class for training a multi-scale Linear Active Template Model. Parameters ---------- template : `menpo.image.Image` The template image. shapes : `list` of `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The `list` of training shapes. group : `str` or ``None``, optional The landmark group of the `template` that will be used to train the ATM. If ``None`` and the `template` only has a single landmark group, then that is the one that will be used. holistic_features : `closure` or `list` of `closure`, optional The features that will be extracted from the training images. Note that the features are extracted before warping the images to the reference shape. If `list`, then it must define a feature function per scale. Please refer to `menpo.feature` for a list of potential features. reference_shape : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` or ``None``, optional The reference shape that will be used for building the ATM. The purpose of the reference shape is to normalise the size of the training images. The normalization is performed by rescaling all the training images so that the scale of their ground truth shapes matches the scale of the reference shape. Note that the reference shape is rescaled with respect to the `diagonal` before performing the normalisation. If ``None``, then the mean shape will be used. diagonal : `int` or ``None``, optional This parameter is used to rescale the reference shape so that the diagonal of its bounding box matches the provided value. In other words, this parameter controls the size of the model at the highest scale. If ``None``, then the reference shape does not get rescaled. scales : `float` or `tuple` of `float`, optional The scale value of each scale. They must provided in ascending order, i.e. from lowest to highest scale. If `float`, then a single scale is assumed. transform : `subclass` of :map:`DL` and :map:`DX`, optional A differential warp transform object, e.g. :map:`DifferentiablePiecewiseAffine` or :map:`DifferentiableThinPlateSplines`. max_shape_components : `int`, `float`, `list` of those or ``None``, optional The number of shape components to keep. If `int`, then it sets the exact number of components. If `float`, then it defines the variance percentage that will be kept. If `list`, then it should define a value per scale. If a single number, then this will be applied to all scales. If ``None``, then all the components are kept. Note that the unused components will be permanently trimmed. verbose : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then the progress of building the ATM will be printed. batch_size : `int` or ``None``, optional If an `int` is provided, then the training is performed in an incremental fashion on image batches of size equal to the provided value. If ``None``, then the training is performed directly on the all the images. """ def __init__( self, template, shapes, group=None, holistic_features=no_op, reference_shape=None, diagonal=None, scales=(0.5, 1.0), transform=DifferentiableThinPlateSplines, max_shape_components=None, verbose=False, batch_size=None, ): super(LinearATM, self).__init__( template, shapes, group=group, holistic_features=holistic_features, reference_shape=reference_shape, diagonal=diagonal, scales=scales, transform=transform, max_shape_components=max_shape_components, verbose=verbose, batch_size=batch_size, ) @property def _str_title(self): r""" Returns a string containing name of the model. :type: `string` """ return "Linear Active Template Model" def _build_shape_model(self, shapes, scale_index): mean_aligned_shape = mean_pointcloud(align_shapes(shapes)) self.n_landmarks = mean_aligned_shape.n_points self.reference_frame = build_reference_frame(mean_aligned_shape) dense_shapes = densify_shapes(shapes, self.reference_frame, self.transform) # Build dense shape model max_sc = self.max_shape_components[scale_index] return self._shape_model_cls[scale_index](dense_shapes, max_n_components=max_sc) def _increment_shape_model(self, shapes, scale_index, forgetting_factor=1.0): aligned_shapes = align_shapes(shapes) dense_shapes = densify_shapes( aligned_shapes, self.reference_frame, self.transform ) # Increment shape model self.shape_models[scale_index].increment( dense_shapes, forgetting_factor=forgetting_factor, max_n_components=self.max_shape_components[scale_index], ) def _warp_template( self, template, group, reference_shape, scale_index, prefix, verbose ): shape = template.landmarks[group] return warp_images( [template], [shape], self.reference_frame, self.transform, prefix=prefix, verbose=verbose, ) # TODO: implement me! def _instance(self, shape_instance, template): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def build_fitter_interfaces(self, sampling): r""" Method that builds the correct Lucas-Kanade fitting interface. Parameters ---------- sampling : `list` of `int` or `ndarray` or ``None`` It defines a sampling mask per scale. If `int`, then it defines the sub-sampling step of the sampling mask. If `ndarray`, then it explicitly defines the sampling mask. If ``None``, then no sub-sampling is applied. Returns ------- fitter_interfaces : `list` The `list` of Lucas-Kanade interface per scale. """ interfaces = [] for wt, sm, s in zip(self.warped_templates, self.shape_models, sampling): # This is pretty hacky as we just steal the OrthoPDM's PCAModel md_transform = LinearOrthoMDTransform(sm.model, self.reference_shape) interface = ATMLucasKanadeLinearInterface(md_transform, wt, sampling=s) interfaces.append(interface) return interfaces
def __str__(self): return _atm_str(self)
[docs]class LinearMaskedATM(ATM): r""" Class for training a multi-scale Linear Masked Active Template Model. Parameters ---------- template : `menpo.image.Image` The template image. shapes : `list` of `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The `list` of training shapes. group : `str` or ``None``, optional The landmark group of the `template` that will be used to train the ATM. If ``None`` and the `template` only has a single landmark group, then that is the one that will be used. holistic_features : `closure` or `list` of `closure`, optional The features that will be extracted from the training images. Note that the features are extracted before warping the images to the reference shape. If `list`, then it must define a feature function per scale. Please refer to `menpo.feature` for a list of potential features. reference_shape : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` or ``None``, optional The reference shape that will be used for building the ATM. The purpose of the reference shape is to normalise the size of the training images. The normalization is performed by rescaling all the training images so that the scale of their ground truth shapes matches the scale of the reference shape. Note that the reference shape is rescaled with respect to the `diagonal` before performing the normalisation. If ``None``, then the mean shape will be used. diagonal : `int` or ``None``, optional This parameter is used to rescale the reference shape so that the diagonal of its bounding box matches the provided value. In other words, this parameter controls the size of the model at the highest scale. If ``None``, then the reference shape does not get rescaled. scales : `float` or `tuple` of `float`, optional The scale value of each scale. They must provided in ascending order, i.e. from lowest to highest scale. If `float`, then a single scale is assumed. patch_shape : (`int`, `int`) or `list` of (`int`, `int`), optional The shape of the patches of the mask that is used to extract the appearance vectors. If a `list` is provided, then it defines a patch shape per scale. max_shape_components : `int`, `float`, `list` of those or ``None``, optional The number of shape components to keep. If `int`, then it sets the exact number of components. If `float`, then it defines the variance percentage that will be kept. If `list`, then it should define a value per scale. If a single number, then this will be applied to all scales. If ``None``, then all the components are kept. Note that the unused components will be permanently trimmed. verbose : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then the progress of building the ATM will be printed. batch_size : `int` or ``None``, optional If an `int` is provided, then the training is performed in an incremental fashion on image batches of size equal to the provided value. If ``None``, then the training is performed directly on the all the images. """ def __init__( self, template, shapes, group=None, holistic_features=no_op, reference_shape=None, diagonal=None, scales=(0.5, 1.0), patch_shape=(17, 17), max_shape_components=None, verbose=False, batch_size=None, ): # Check arguments self.patch_shape = checks.check_patch_shape(patch_shape, len(scales)) # Call superclass super(LinearMaskedATM, self).__init__( template, shapes, group=group, holistic_features=holistic_features, reference_shape=reference_shape, diagonal=diagonal, scales=scales, transform=DifferentiableThinPlateSplines, max_shape_components=max_shape_components, verbose=verbose, batch_size=batch_size, ) @property def _str_title(self): r""" Returns a string containing name of the model. :type: `string` """ return "Linear Masked Active Template Model" def _build_shape_model(self, shapes, scale_index): mean_aligned_shape = mean_pointcloud(align_shapes(shapes)) self.n_landmarks = mean_aligned_shape.n_points self.reference_frame = build_patch_reference_frame( mean_aligned_shape, patch_shape=self.patch_shape[scale_index] ) dense_shapes = densify_shapes(shapes, self.reference_frame, self.transform) # Build dense shape model max_sc = self.max_shape_components[scale_index] return self._shape_model_cls[scale_index](dense_shapes, max_n_components=max_sc) def _increment_shape_model(self, shapes, scale_index, forgetting_factor=1.0): aligned_shapes = align_shapes(shapes) dense_shapes = densify_shapes( aligned_shapes, self.reference_frame, self.transform ) # Increment shape model self.shape_models[scale_index].increment( dense_shapes, forgetting_factor=forgetting_factor, max_n_components=self.max_shape_components[scale_index], ) def _warp_template( self, template, group, reference_shape, scale_index, prefix, verbose ): shape = template.landmarks[group] return warp_images( [template], [shape], self.reference_frame, self.transform, prefix=prefix, verbose=verbose, ) # TODO: implement me! def _instance(self, shape_instance, template): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def build_fitter_interfaces(self, sampling): r""" Method that builds the correct Lucas-Kanade fitting interface. Parameters ---------- sampling : `list` of `int` or `ndarray` or ``None`` It defines a sampling mask per scale. If `int`, then it defines the sub-sampling step of the sampling mask. If `ndarray`, then it explicitly defines the sampling mask. If ``None``, then no sub-sampling is applied. Returns ------- fitter_interfaces : `list` The `list` of Lucas-Kanade interface per scale. """ interfaces = [] for wt, sm, s in zip(self.warped_templates, self.shape_models, sampling): # This is pretty hacky as we just steal the OrthoPDM's PCAModel md_transform = LinearOrthoMDTransform(sm.model, self.reference_shape) interface = ATMLucasKanadeLinearInterface(md_transform, wt, sampling=s) interfaces.append(interface) return interfaces
def __str__(self): return _atm_str(self)
# TODO: implement offsets support?
[docs]class PatchATM(ATM): r""" Class for training a multi-scale Patch-Based Active Template Model. Parameters ---------- template : `menpo.image.Image` The template image. shapes : `list` of `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The `list` of training shapes. group : `str` or ``None``, optional The landmark group of the `template` that will be used to train the ATM. If ``None`` and the `template` only has a single landmark group, then that is the one that will be used. holistic_features : `closure` or `list` of `closure`, optional The features that will be extracted from the training images. Note that the features are extracted before warping the images to the reference shape. If `list`, then it must define a feature function per scale. Please refer to `menpo.feature` for a list of potential features. reference_shape : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` or ``None``, optional The reference shape that will be used for building the ATM. The purpose of the reference shape is to normalise the size of the training images. The normalization is performed by rescaling all the training images so that the scale of their ground truth shapes matches the scale of the reference shape. Note that the reference shape is rescaled with respect to the `diagonal` before performing the normalisation. If ``None``, then the mean shape will be used. diagonal : `int` or ``None``, optional This parameter is used to rescale the reference shape so that the diagonal of its bounding box matches the provided value. In other words, this parameter controls the size of the model at the highest scale. If ``None``, then the reference shape does not get rescaled. scales : `float` or `tuple` of `float`, optional The scale value of each scale. They must provided in ascending order, i.e. from lowest to highest scale. If `float`, then a single scale is assumed. patch_shape : (`int`, `int`) or `list` of (`int`, `int`), optional The shape of the patches to be extracted. If a `list` is provided, then it defines a patch shape per scale. max_shape_components : `int`, `float`, `list` of those or ``None``, optional The number of shape components to keep. If `int`, then it sets the exact number of components. If `float`, then it defines the variance percentage that will be kept. If `list`, then it should define a value per scale. If a single number, then this will be applied to all scales. If ``None``, then all the components are kept. Note that the unused components will be permanently trimmed. verbose : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then the progress of building the ATM will be printed. batch_size : `int` or ``None``, optional If an `int` is provided, then the training is performed in an incremental fashion on image batches of size equal to the provided value. If ``None``, then the training is performed directly on the all the images. """ def __init__( self, template, shapes, group=None, holistic_features=no_op, reference_shape=None, diagonal=None, scales=(0.5, 1.0), patch_shape=(17, 17), patch_normalisation=no_op, max_shape_components=None, verbose=False, batch_size=None, ): # Check arguments self.patch_shape = checks.check_patch_shape(patch_shape, len(scales)) self.patch_normalisation = patch_normalisation # Call superclass super(PatchATM, self).__init__( template, shapes, group=group, holistic_features=holistic_features, reference_shape=reference_shape, diagonal=diagonal, scales=scales, transform=DifferentiableThinPlateSplines, max_shape_components=max_shape_components, verbose=verbose, batch_size=batch_size, ) @property def _str_title(self): r""" Returns a string containing name of the model. :type: `string` """ return "Patch-based Active Template Model" def _warp_template( self, template, group, reference_shape, scale_index, prefix, verbose ): shape = template.landmarks[group] return extract_patches( [template], [shape], self.patch_shape[scale_index], normalise_function=self.patch_normalisation, prefix=prefix, verbose=verbose, ) def _instance(self, shape_instance, template): return shape_instance, template
[docs] def build_fitter_interfaces(self, sampling): r""" Method that builds the correct Lucas-Kanade fitting interface. Parameters ---------- sampling : `list` of `int` or `ndarray` or ``None`` It defines a sampling mask per scale. If `int`, then it defines the sub-sampling step of the sampling mask. If `ndarray`, then it explicitly defines the sampling mask. If ``None``, then no sub-sampling is applied. Returns ------- fitter_interfaces : `list` The `list` of Lucas-Kanade interface per scale. """ interfaces = [] for j, (wt, sm, s) in enumerate( zip(self.warped_templates, self.shape_models, sampling) ): interface = ATMLucasKanadePatchInterface( sm, wt, sampling=s, patch_shape=self.patch_shape[j], patch_normalisation=self.patch_normalisation, ) interfaces.append(interface) return interfaces
def __str__(self): return _atm_str(self)
def _atm_str(atm): if atm.diagonal is not None: diagonal = atm.diagonal else: y, x = atm.reference_shape.range() diagonal = np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2) # Compute scale info strings scales_info = [] lvl_str_tmplt = r""" - Scale {} - Holistic feature: {} - Template shape: {} - Shape model class: {} - {} shape components - {} similarity transform parameters""" for k, s in enumerate(atm.scales): scales_info.append( lvl_str_tmplt.format( s, name_of_callable(atm.holistic_features[k]), atm.warped_templates[k].shape, name_of_callable(atm.shape_models[k]), atm.shape_models[k].model.n_components, atm.shape_models[k].n_global_parameters, ) ) # Patch based ATM if hasattr(atm, "patch_shape"): for k in range(len(scales_info)): scales_info[k] += "\n - Patch shape: {}".format(atm.patch_shape[k]) scales_info = "\n".join(scales_info) cls_str = r"""{class_title} - Images warped with {transform} transform - Images scaled to diagonal: {diagonal:.2f} - Scales: {scales} {scales_info} """.format( class_title=atm._str_title, transform=name_of_callable(atm.transform), diagonal=diagonal, scales=atm.scales, scales_info=scales_info, ) return cls_str HolisticATM = ATM