Source code for

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np

from menpofit.base import build_grid
from menpofit.fitter import raise_costs_warning
from menpofit.result import ParametricIterativeResult

multivariate_normal = None  # expensive, from scipy.stats

class GradientDescentCLMAlgorithm(object):
    Abstract class for a Gradient-Descent optimization algorithm.

    expert_ensemble : `subclass` of :map:`ExpertEnsemble`
        The ensemble of experts object, e.g.
    shape_model : `subclass` of :map:`PDM`, optional
        The shape model object, e.g. :map:`OrthoPDM`.
    eps : `float`, optional
        Value for checking the convergence of the optimization.
    def __init__(self, expert_ensemble, shape_model, eps=10**-5):
        # Set parameters
        self.expert_ensemble = expert_ensemble
        self.transform = shape_model
        self.eps = eps
        # Perform pre-computations

    def _precompute(self):
        # Import multivariate normal distribution from scipy
        global multivariate_normal
        if multivariate_normal is None:
            from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal  # expensive

        # Build grid associated to size of the search space
        search_shape = self.expert_ensemble.search_shape
        self.search_grid = build_grid(search_shape)

        # set rho2
        self.rho2 = self.transform.model.noise_variance()

        # Compute shape model prior
        sim_prior = np.zeros((4,))
        pdm_prior = self.rho2 / self.transform.model.eigenvalues
        self.rho2_inv_L = np.hstack((sim_prior, pdm_prior))

        # Compute Jacobian
        J = np.rollaxis(self.transform.d_dp(None), -1, 1)
        self.J = J.reshape((-1, J.shape[-1]))
        # Compute inverse Hessian
        self.JJ =
        # Compute Jacobian pseudo-inverse
        self.pinv_J = np.linalg.solve(self.JJ, self.J.T)
        self.inv_JJ_prior = np.linalg.inv(self.JJ + np.diag(self.rho2_inv_L))

[docs]class ActiveShapeModel(GradientDescentCLMAlgorithm): r""" Active Shape Model (ASM) algorithm. Parameters ---------- expert_ensemble : `subclass` of :map:`ExpertEnsemble` The ensemble of experts object, e.g. :map:`CorrelationFilterExpertEnsemble`. shape_model : `subclass` of :map:`PDM`, optional The shape model object, e.g. :map:`OrthoPDM`. gaussian_covariance : `int` or `float`, optional The covariance of the Gaussian kernel. eps : `float`, optional Value for checking the convergence of the optimization. References ---------- .. [1] T. F. Cootes, and C. J. Taylor. "Active shape models-'smart snakes'", British Machine Vision Conference, pp. 266-275, 1992. .. [2] T. F. Cootes, C. J. Taylor, D. H. Cooper, and J. Graham. "Active Shape Models - their training and application", Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), 61(1): 38-59, 1995. .. [3] A. Blake, and M. Isard. "Active Shape Models", Active Contours, Springer, pp. 25-37, 1998. """ def __init__(self, expert_ensemble, shape_model, gaussian_covariance=10, eps=10**-5): self.gaussian_covariance = gaussian_covariance super(ActiveShapeModel, self).__init__(expert_ensemble=expert_ensemble, shape_model=shape_model, eps=eps) def _precompute(self): # Call super method super(ActiveShapeModel, self)._precompute() # Build grid associated to size of the search space self.half_search_shape = np.round( np.asarray(self.expert_ensemble.search_shape) / 2).astype(np.int64) self.search_grid = self.search_grid[None, None] # Compute Gaussian-KDE grid self.mvn = multivariate_normal(mean=np.zeros(2), cov=self.gaussian_covariance)
[docs] def run(self, image, initial_shape, gt_shape=None, max_iters=20, return_costs=False, map_inference=False): r""" Execute the optimization algorithm. Parameters ---------- image : `menpo.image.Image` The input test image. initial_shape : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The initial shape from which the optimization will start. gt_shape : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` or ``None``, optional The ground truth shape of the image. It is only needed in order to get passed in the optimization result object, which has the ability to compute the fitting error. max_iters : `int`, optional The maximum number of iterations. Note that the algorithm may converge, and thus stop, earlier. return_costs : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then the cost function values will be computed during the fitting procedure. Then these cost values will be assigned to the returned `fitting_result`. *Note that this argument currently has no effect and will raise a warning if set to ``True``. This is because it is not possible to evaluate the cost function of this algorithm.* map_inference : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then the solution will be given after performing MAP inference. Returns ------- fitting_result : :map:`ParametricIterativeResult` The parametric iterative fitting result. """ # costs warning if return_costs: raise_costs_warning(self) # Initialize transform self.transform.set_target(initial_shape) p_list = [self.transform.as_vector()] shapes = [] # Initialize iteration counter and epsilon k = 0 eps = np.Inf # Expectation-Maximisation loop while k < max_iters and eps > self.eps: target = # Obtain all landmark positions l_i = (x_i, y_i) being considered # ie all pixel positions in each landmark's search space candidate_landmarks = (target.points[:, None, None, None, :] + self.search_grid) # Compute responses responses = self.expert_ensemble.predict_probability(image, target) # Approximate responses using isotropic Gaussian max_indices = np.argmax( responses.reshape(responses.shape[:2] + (-1,)), axis=-1) max_indices = np.unravel_index(max_indices, responses.shape)[-2:] max_indices = np.hstack((max_indices[0], max_indices[1])) max_indices = max_indices[:, None, None, None, ...] max_indices -= self.half_search_shape gaussian_responses = self.mvn.pdf(max_indices + self.search_grid) # Normalise smoothed responses gaussian_responses /= np.sum(gaussian_responses, axis=(-2, -1))[..., None, None] # Compute new target new_target = np.sum(gaussian_responses[:, None, ..., None] * candidate_landmarks, axis=(-3, -2)) # Compute shape error term error = target.as_vector() - new_target.ravel() # Solve for increments on the shape parameters if map_inference: Je = (self.rho2_inv_L * self.transform.as_vector() - dp = else: dp = # Update pdm s_k = self.transform._from_vector_inplace(self.transform.as_vector() + dp) p_list.append(self.transform.as_vector()) shapes.append( # Test convergence eps = np.abs(np.linalg.norm(s_k - # Increase iteration counter k += 1 # Return algorithm result return ParametricIterativeResult(shapes=shapes, shape_parameters=p_list, initial_shape=initial_shape, image=image, gt_shape=gt_shape)
def __str__(self): return "Active Shape Model Algorithm"
[docs]class RegularisedLandmarkMeanShift(GradientDescentCLMAlgorithm): r""" Regularized Landmark Mean-Shift (RLMS) algorithm. Parameters ---------- expert_ensemble : `subclass` of :map:`ExpertEnsemble` The ensemble of experts object, e.g. :map:`CorrelationFilterExpertEnsemble`. shape_model : `subclass` of :map:`PDM`, optional The shape model object, e.g. :map:`OrthoPDM`. kernel_covariance : `int` or `float`, optional The covariance of the kernel. eps : `float`, optional Value for checking the convergence of the optimization. References ---------- .. [1] J.M. Saragih, S. Lucey, and J. F. Cohn. "Deformable model fitting by regularized landmark mean-shift", International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), 91(2): 200-215, 2011. """ def __init__(self, expert_ensemble, shape_model, kernel_covariance=10, eps=10**-5): self.kernel_covariance = kernel_covariance super(RegularisedLandmarkMeanShift, self).__init__( expert_ensemble=expert_ensemble, shape_model=shape_model, eps=eps) def _precompute(self): # Call super method super(RegularisedLandmarkMeanShift, self)._precompute() # Compute Gaussian-KDE grid mvn = multivariate_normal(mean=np.zeros(2), cov=self.kernel_covariance) self.kernel_grid = mvn.pdf(self.search_grid)[None, None]
[docs] def run(self, image, initial_shape, gt_shape=None, max_iters=20, return_costs=False, map_inference=False): r""" Execute the optimization algorithm. Parameters ---------- image : `menpo.image.Image` The input test image. initial_shape : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The initial shape from which the optimization will start. gt_shape : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` or ``None``, optional The ground truth shape of the image. It is only needed in order to get passed in the optimization result object, which has the ability to compute the fitting error. max_iters : `int`, optional The maximum number of iterations. Note that the algorithm may converge, and thus stop, earlier. return_costs : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then the cost function values will be computed during the fitting procedure. Then these cost values will be assigned to the returned `fitting_result`. *Note that this argument currently has no effect and will raise a warning if set to ``True``. This is because it is not possible to evaluate the cost function of this algorithm.* map_inference : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then the solution will be given after performing MAP inference. Returns ------- fitting_result : :map:`ParametricIterativeResult` The parametric iterative fitting result. """ # costs warning if return_costs: raise_costs_warning(self) # Initialize transform self.transform.set_target(initial_shape) p_list = [self.transform.as_vector()] shapes = [] # Initialize iteration counter and epsilon k = 0 eps = np.Inf # Expectation-Maximisation loop while k < max_iters and eps > self.eps: target = # Obtain all landmark positions l_i = (x_i, y_i) being considered # ie all pixel positions in each landmark's search space candidate_landmarks = (target.points[:, None, None, None, :] + self.search_grid) # Compute patch responses patch_responses = self.expert_ensemble.predict_probability(image, target) # Smooth responses using the Gaussian-KDE grid patch_kernels = patch_responses * self.kernel_grid # Normalise smoothed responses patch_kernels /= np.sum(patch_kernels, axis=(-2, -1))[..., None, None] # Compute mean shift target mean_shift_target = np.sum(patch_kernels[..., None] * candidate_landmarks, axis=(-3, -2)) # Compute shape error term error = mean_shift_target.ravel() - target.as_vector() # Solve for increments on the shape parameters if map_inference: Je = (self.rho2_inv_L * self.transform.as_vector() - dp = else: dp = # Update pdm s_k = self.transform._from_vector_inplace(self.transform.as_vector() + dp) p_list.append(self.transform.as_vector()) shapes.append( # Test convergence eps = np.abs(np.linalg.norm(s_k - # Increase iteration counter k += 1 # Return algorithm result return ParametricIterativeResult(shapes=shapes, shape_parameters=p_list, initial_shape=initial_shape, image=image, gt_shape=gt_shape)
def __str__(self): return "Regularised Landmark Mean Shift Algorithm"