Source code for menpofit.error.stats

from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import simps

    import as collections_abc
except ImportError:
    import collections as collections_abc

[docs]def compute_cumulative_error(errors, bins): r""" Computes the values of the Cumulative Error Distribution (CED). Parameters ---------- errors : `list` of `float` The `list` of errors per image. bins : `list` of `float` The values of the error bins centers at which the CED is evaluated. Returns ------- ced : `list` of `float` The computed CED. """ n_errors = len(errors) return [np.count_nonzero([errors <= x]) / n_errors for x in bins]
[docs]def mad(errors): r""" Computes the Median Absolute Deviation of a set of errors. Parameters ---------- errors : `list` of `float` The `list` of errors per image. Returns ------- mad : `float` The median absolute deviation value. """ med = np.median(errors) return np.median(np.abs(errors - med))
[docs]def area_under_curve_and_failure_rate(errors, step_error, max_error, min_error=0.): r""" Computes the Area Under the Curve (AUC) and Failure Rate (FR) of a given Cumulative Distribution Error (CED). Parameters ---------- errors : `list` of `float` The `list` of errors per image. step_error : `float` The sampling step of the error bins of the CED. max_error : `float` The maximum error value of the CED. min_error : `float` The minimum error value of the CED. Returns ------- auc : `float` The Area Under the Curve value. fr : `float` The Failure Rate value. """ x_axis = list(np.arange(min_error, max_error + step_error, step_error)) ced = np.array(compute_cumulative_error(errors, x_axis)) return simps(ced, x=x_axis) / max_error, 1. - ced[-1]
[docs]def compute_statistical_measures(errors, step_error, max_error, min_error=0.): r""" Computes various statistics given a set of errors that correspond to multiple images. It can also deal with multiple sets of errors that correspond to different methods. Parameters ---------- errors : `list` of `float` or `list` of `list` of `float` The `list` of errors per image. You can provide a `list` of `lists` for the errors of multiple methods. step_error : `float` The sampling step of the error bins of the CED for computing the Area Under the Curve and the Failure Rate. max_error : `float` The maximum error value of the CED for computing the Area Under the Curve and the Failure Rate. min_error : `float` The minimum error value of the CED for computing the Area Under the Curve and the Failure Rate. Returns ------- mean : `float` or `list` of `float` The mean value. mean : `float` or `list` of `float` The standard deviation. median : `float` or `list` of `float` The median value. mad : `float` or `list` of `float` The mean absolute deviation value. max : `float` or `list` of `float` The maximum value. auc : `float` or `list` of `float` The area under the curve value. fr : `float` or `list` of `float` The failure rate value. """ if isinstance(errors[0], collections_abc.Iterable): mean_val = [] std_val = [] median_val = [] mad_val = [] max_val = [] auc_val = [] fail_val = [] for e in errors: mean_val.append(np.mean(e)) std_val.append(np.std(e)) median_val.append(np.median(e)) mad_val.append(mad(e)) max_val.append(np.max(e)) auc_v, fail_v = area_under_curve_and_failure_rate( e, step_error=step_error, max_error=max_error, min_error=min_error) auc_val.append(auc_v) fail_val.append(fail_v) else: mean_val = np.mean(errors) std_val = np.std(errors) median_val = np.median(errors) mad_val = mad(errors) max_val = np.max(errors) auc_val, fail_val = area_under_curve_and_failure_rate( errors, step_error=step_error, max_error=max_error, min_error=min_error) return mean_val, std_val, median_val, mad_val, max_val, auc_val, fail_val