Source code for

from __future__ import absolute_import  # or menpofit.math causes trouble!
from math import ceil
import sys

    from urllib2 import urlopen  # Py2
except ImportError:
    from urllib.request import urlopen  # Py3

from import import_pickle

from menpofit.base import menpofit_src_dir_path

# The remote URL that should be queried to download pre-trained models

# All remote models are versioned based on a binary compatibility number.
# This needs to be bumped every time an existing remote model is no longer
# Compatible with this version of menpofit.

def image_greyscale_crop_preprocess(image, pointcloud, crop_proportion=1.0):
    Pre-processing function for a given test image. The function does the

    1. If the image is RGB, it converts it to greyscale.
    2. The image gets cropped around the provided pointcloud.

    The method returns a pre-processed copy of the input image and the transform
    object that was applied on it by the crop.

    image : `menpo.image.Image` or subclass
        The input test image.
    pointcloud : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` or subclass
        The pointcloud with respect to which the pre-processing is applied.
        It is normally the initial pointcloud of the fitting procedure.
    crop_proportion : `float`, optional
        The padding to add around the pointcloud as a proportion of the
        pointcloud's size.

    new_image : `menpo.image.Image` or subclass
        The pre-processed image.
    trans : `menpo.transform.Homogeneous`
        The transform that was applied on the image.
    # Convert image to greyscale
    if image.n_channels == 3:
        new_image = image.as_greyscale(mode='luminosity')
        new_image = image.copy()

    # Crop image and return
    return new_image.crop_to_pointcloud_proportion(pointcloud, crop_proportion,

[docs]class PickleWrappedFitter(object): r""" Wrapper around a menpofit fitter so that we can a) efficiently pickle it and b) parametrize over both the fitter construction and the fit methods (e.g. ``.fit_from_bb()`` and ``.fit_from_shape()``) Pickling menpofit fitters is a little tricky for a two reasons. Firstly, on construction of a fitter from a deformable model some amount of pre-processing takes place which allocates potentially large arrays. To ship a compact model we would therefore rather delay the construction of the fitter until load time on the client. If this was the only issue, we could achieve this by simply saving a partial over the fitter constructor with all the ``args`` and ``kwargs`` the fitter constructor takes - after loading the pickle, invoking the partial with no args (it's parameters being fully specified) would return the fitter and all would be well. However, we also may want to choose **fit-time** parameters for the fitter for optimal usage, (for instance, a choice over the ``max_iters`` kwarg that we know to be efficient). This leaves us with a problem, as now we need to have some entity that can store state which we can pass to both the fitter and to the resulting fitters methods on the client at unpickle time. This class is the solution to this problem. To use, you should **pickle down a partial over this class** specifying all arguments and kwargs needed for the fitter constructor and for the fit methods. At load time, menpofit will invoke the partial, returning this object instantiated. This offers the same API as a menpofit fitter, and so can be used transparently to fit. If you wish to access the original fitter (without fit parameter customization) this can be accessed as the `wrapped_fitter` property. Parameters ---------- fitter_cls : `Fitter` A menpofit fitter class that will be constructed at unpickle time, e.g. :map:`LucasKanadeAAMFitter` fitter_args : `tuple` A tuple of all args that need to be passed to ``fitter_cls`` at construction time e.g. ``(aam,)`` fitter_kwargs : `dict` A dictionary of kwargs that will to be passed to ``fitter_cls`` at construction time e.g. ``{ 'lk_algorithm_cls': WibergInverseCompositional }`` fit_from_bb_kwargs : `dict`, e.g. ``{ max_iters: [25, 5] }`` A dictionary of kwargs that will to be passed to the wrapped fitter's ``fit_from_bb`` method at fit time. These in effect change the defaults that the original fitter offered, but can still be overridden at call time (e.g. ``self.fit_from_bb(image, bbox, max_iters=[50, 50])`` would take precedence over the max_iters in the above example) fit_from_shape_kwargs : `dict`, e.g. ``{ max_iters: [25, 5] }`` A dictionary of kwargs that will to be passed to the wrapped fitter's ``fit_from_shape`` method at fit time. These in effect change the defaults that the original fitter offered, but can still be overridden at call time (e.g. ``self.fit_from_shape(image, shape, max_iters=[50, 50])`` would take precedence over the max_iters in the above example) image_preprocess : `callable` or ``None``, optional A pre-processing function to apply on the test image before fitting. The default option converts the image to greyscale. The function needs to have the following signature: .. code-block:: python new_image, transform = image_preprocess(image, pointcloud) where `new_image` is the pre-processed image and `transform` is the `menpo.transform.Homogeneous` object that was applied on the image. If ``None``, then no pre-processing is performed. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python from import PickleWrappedFitter, image_greyscale_crop_preprocess from functools import partial # LucasKanadeAAMFitter only takes one argument, a trained aam. fitter_args = (aam, ) # kwargs for fitter construction. Note that here sampling is a # list of numpy arrays we have already constructed (one per level) fitter_kwargs = dict(lk_algorithm_cls=WibergInverseCompositional, sampling=sampling) # kwargs for fitter.fit_from_{bb, shape} # (note here we reuse the same kwargs twice) fit_kwargs = dict(max_iters=[25, 5]) # Partial over the PickleWrappedFitter to prepare an object that can be # invoked at load time fitter_wrapper = partial(PickleWrappedFitter, LucasKanadeAAMFitter, fitter_args, fitter_kwargs, fit_kwargs, fit_kwargs, image_preprocess=image_greyscale_crop_preprocess) # save the pickle down. mio.export_pickle(fitter_wrapper, 'pretrained_aam.pkl') # ----------------------- L O A D T I M E ---------------------------# # at load time, invoke the partial to instantiate this class (and build # the internally-held wrapped fitter) fitter = mio.import_pickle('pretrained_aam.pkl')() """ def __init__(self, fitter_cls, fitter_args, fitter_kwargs, fit_from_bb_kwargs, fit_from_shape_kwargs, image_preprocess=image_greyscale_crop_preprocess): self.wrapped_fitter = fitter_cls(*fitter_args, **fitter_kwargs) self._fit_from_bb_kwargs = fit_from_bb_kwargs self._fit_from_shape_kwargs = fit_from_shape_kwargs self._image_preprocess = image_preprocess
[docs] def fit_from_bb(self, image, bounding_box, **kwargs): r""" Fits the fitter to an image given an initial bounding box, using the optimal parameters that we chosen for this pickled fitter. Parameters ---------- image : `menpo.image.Image` or subclass The image to be fitted. bounding_box : `menpo.shape.PointDirectedGraph` The initial bounding box from which the fitting procedure will start. Note that the bounding box is used in order to align the model's reference shape. kwargs : `dict`, optional Other kwargs to override the optimal defaults. See the documentation for ``.fit_from_bb()`` on the type of `self.wrapped_fitter` to see what can be provided here. Returns ------- fitting_result : ``FittingResult`` or subclass The fitting result containing the result of the fitting procedure. """ # start with the optimal kwargs final_kwargs = self._fit_from_bb_kwargs.copy() # If the user provided kwargs at runtime, they take precedence. final_kwargs.update(kwargs) # check if pre-processing function exists if self._image_preprocess is None: # call the wrapped fitter with the updated kwargs result = self.wrapped_fitter.fit_from_bb(image, bounding_box, **final_kwargs) else: # pre-process the image proc_image, trans = self._image_preprocess(image, bounding_box) # call the wrapped fitter with the updated kwargs result = self.wrapped_fitter.fit_from_bb( proc_image, trans.pseudoinverse().apply(bounding_box), **final_kwargs) # update result attributes result._image = image result._final_shape = trans.apply(result.final_shape) result._initial_shape = trans.apply(result.initial_shape) if result.is_iterative: result._shapes = [trans.apply(s) for s in result.shapes] return result
[docs] def fit_from_shape(self, image, initial_shape, **kwargs): r""" Fits the fitter to an image given an initial shape, using the optimal parameters that we chosen for this pickled fitter. Parameters ---------- image : `menpo.image.Image` or subclass The image to be fitted. initial_shape : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The initial shape estimate from which the fitting procedure will start. kwargs : dict Other kwargs to override the optimal defaults. See the documentation for ``.fit_from_shape()`` on the type of `self.wrapped_fitter` to see what can be provided here. Returns ------- fitting_result : ``FittingResult`` or subclass The fitting result containing the result of the fitting procedure. """ # start with the optimal kwargs final_kwargs = self._fit_from_shape_kwargs.copy() # If the user provided kwargs at runtime, they take precedence. final_kwargs.update(kwargs) # check if pre-processing function exists if self._image_preprocess is None: # call the wrapped fitter with the updated kwargs result = self.wrapped_fitter.fit_from_shape(image, initial_shape, **final_kwargs) else: # pre-process the image proc_image, trans = self._image_preprocess(image, initial_shape) # call the wrapped fitter with the updated kwargs result = self.wrapped_fitter.fit_from_shape( proc_image, trans.pseudoinverse().apply(initial_shape), **final_kwargs) # update result attributes result._image = image result._final_shape = trans.apply(result.final_shape) result._initial_shape = trans.apply(result.initial_shape) if result.is_iterative: result._shapes = [trans.apply(s) for s in result.shapes] return result
def menpofit_data_dir_path(): r""" Returns a path to the ./data directory, creating it if needed. Returns ------- path : `Path` The path to the data directory (which will be instantiated) """ data_path = menpofit_src_dir_path() / 'data' if not data_path.exists(): data_path.mkdir() return data_path def filename_for_fitter(name): r""" Returns the filename of a fitter with the identifier ``name`` accounting for the Python version and menpofit binary compatibility version number. Parameters ---------- name : `str` The name of the fitter, e.g. `balanced_frontal_face_aam` Returns ------- filename : `str` The filename of the fitter """ return '{}_v{}_py{}.pkl'.format(name, MENPOFIT_BINARY_VERSION, sys.version_info.major) def url_of_fitter(name): r""" Returns the remote URL for a fitter with identifier ``name``. Parameters ---------- name : `str` The identifier of the fitter, e.g. `balanced_frontal_face_aam` Returns ------- url : `str` The URL that this fitter is stored at for this installation of menpofit """ return '{}/menpofit/{}'.format(MENPO_URL, filename_for_fitter(name)) def path_of_fitter(name): r""" Returns a path to where a fitter with identifier ``name`` can be located on disk. Parameters ---------- name : `str` The identifier of the fitter, e.g. `balanced_frontal_face_aam` Returns ------- path : `Path` A path to this fitter on disk """ return menpofit_data_dir_path() / filename_for_fitter(name) def copy_and_yield(fsrc, fdst, length=1024*1024): """copy data from file-like object fsrc to file-like object fdst""" while 1: buf = if not buf: break fdst.write(buf) yield def download_file(url, destination, verbose=False): r""" Download a file from a URL to a path, optionally reporting the progress Parameters ---------- url : `str` The URL of a remote resource that should be downloaded destination : `Path` The path on disk that the file will be downloaded to verbose : `bool`, optional If ``True``, report the progress of the download dynamically. """ from menpo.visualize.textutils import print_progress, bytes_str req = urlopen(url) chunk_size_bytes = 512 * 1024 with open(str(destination), 'wb') as fp: # Retrieve a generator that we can keep yielding from to download the # file in chunks. copy_progress = copy_and_yield(req, fp, length=chunk_size_bytes) if verbose: # wrap the download object with print progress to log the status n_bytes = int(req.headers['content-length']) n_items = int(ceil((1.0 * n_bytes) / chunk_size_bytes)) prefix = 'Downloading {}'.format(bytes_str(n_bytes)) copy_progress = print_progress(copy_progress, n_items=n_items, show_count=False, prefix=prefix) for _ in copy_progress: pass req.close() def load_fitter(name): r""" Load a fitter with identifier ``name``, pulling it from a remote URL if needed. Parameters ---------- name : `str` The identifier of the fitter, e.g. `balanced_frontal_face_aam` Returns ------- fitter : `Fitter` A pre-trained menpofit `Fitter` that is ready to use. """ path = path_of_fitter(name) if not path.exists(): print('Downloading {} fitter'.format(name)) url = url_of_fitter(name) print(url, path) download_file(url, path, verbose=True) # Load the pickle and immediately invoke it. try: return import_pickle(path)() except Exception as e: # Hmm something went wrong, and we couldn't load this fitter. # Purge it so next time we will redownload. print('Error loading fitter - purging damaged file: {}'.format(path)) print('Please try running again') path.unlink() raise e