Source code for

from scipy.linalg import norm
import numpy as np

from .result import LucasKanadeAlgorithmResult

# TODO: implement Inverse Additive Algorithm?
# TODO: implement sampling?
class LucasKanade(object):
    Abstract class for a Lucas-Kanade optimization algorithm.

    template : `menpo.image.Image` or subclass
        The image template.
    transform : `subclass` of :map:`DP` and :map:`DX`, optional
        A differential affine transform object, e.g.
    residual : `class` subclass, optional
        The residual that will get applied. All possible residuals are:

        ========================== ============================================
        Class                      Description
        ========================== ============================================
        :map:`SSD`                 Sum of Squared Differences
        :map:`FourierSSD`          Sum of Squared Differences on Fourier domain
        :map:`ECC`                 Enhanced Correlation Coefficient
        :map:`GradientImages`      Image Gradient
        :map:`GradientCorrelation` Gradient Correlation
        ========================== ============================================
    eps : `float`, optional
        Value for checking the convergence of the optimization.
    def __init__(self, template, transform, residual, eps=10**-10):
        self.template = template
        self.transform = transform
        self.residual = residual
        self.eps = eps

    def warped_images(self, image, shapes):
        Given an input test image and a list of shapes, it warps the image
        into the shapes. This is useful for generating the warped images of a
        fitting procedure stored within a :map:`LucasKanadeResult`.

        image : `menpo.image.Image` or `subclass`
            The input image to be warped.
        shapes : `list` of `menpo.shape.PointCloud`
            The list of shapes in which the image will be warped. The shapes
            are obtained during the iterations of a fitting procedure.

        warped_images : `list` of `menpo.image.MaskedImage` or `ndarray`
            The warped images.
        warped_images = []
        for s in shapes:
                    self.template.mask, self.transform, warp_landmarks=False))
        return warped_images

[docs]class ForwardAdditive(LucasKanade): r""" Forward Additive (FA) Lucas-Kanade algorithm. """
[docs] def run(self, image, initial_shape, gt_shape=None, max_iters=20, return_costs=False): r""" Execute the optimization algorithm. Parameters ---------- image : `menpo.image.Image` The input test image. initial_shape : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The initial shape from which the optimization will start. gt_shape : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` or ``None``, optional The ground truth shape of the image. It is only needed in order to get passed in the optimization result object, which has the ability to compute the fitting error. max_iters : `int`, optional The maximum number of iterations. Note that the algorithm may converge, and thus stop, earlier. return_costs : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then the cost function values will be computed during the fitting procedure. Then these cost values will be assigned to the returned `fitting_result`. *Note that the costs computation increases the computational cost of the fitting. The additional computation cost depends on the fitting method. Only use this option for research purposes.* Returns ------- fitting_result : :map:`LucasKanadeAlgorithmResult` The parametric iterative fitting result. """ # initialize transform self.transform.set_target(initial_shape) p_list = [self.transform.as_vector()] shapes = [] costs = None if return_costs: costs = [] # initialize iteration counter and epsilon k = 0 eps = np.Inf # Forward Compositional Algorithm while k < max_iters and eps > self.eps: # warp image IWxp = image.warp_to_mask(self.template.mask, self.transform, warp_landmarks=False) # compute warp jacobian dW_dp = np.rollaxis( self.transform.d_dp(self.template.indices()), -1) dW_dp = dW_dp.reshape(dW_dp.shape[:1] + self.template.shape + dW_dp.shape[-1:]) # compute steepest descent images filtered_J, J = self.residual.steepest_descent_images( image, dW_dp, forward=(self.template, self.transform)) # compute hessian H = self.residual.hessian(filtered_J, sdi2=J) # compute steepest descent parameter updates. sd_dp = self.residual.steepest_descent_update( filtered_J, IWxp, self.template) # compute gradient descent parameter updates dp = -np.real(np.linalg.solve(H, sd_dp)) # Update warp weights self.transform.from_vector_inplace(self.transform.as_vector() + dp) p_list.append(self.transform.as_vector()) shapes.append( # update costs if return_costs: costs.append(self.residual.cost_closure()) # test convergence eps = np.abs(norm(dp)) # increase iteration counter k += 1 # return algorithm result return LucasKanadeAlgorithmResult( shapes=shapes, homogeneous_parameters=p_list, initial_shape=initial_shape, image=image, gt_shape=gt_shape, costs=costs)
def __str__(self): return "Forward Additive Algorithm"
[docs]class ForwardCompositional(LucasKanade): r""" Forward Compositional (FC) Lucas-Kanade algorithm Parameters ---------- template : `menpo.image.Image` or subclass The image template. transform : `subclass` of :map:`DP` and :map:`DX`, optional A differential affine transform object, e.g. :map:`DifferentiableAlignmentAffine`. residual : `class` subclass, optional The residual that will get applied. All possible residuals are: ========================== ============================================ Class Description ========================== ============================================ :map:`SSD` Sum of Squared Differences :map:`FourierSSD` Sum of Squared Differences on Fourier domain :map:`ECC` Enhanced Correlation Coefficient :map:`GradientImages` Image Gradient :map:`GradientCorrelation` Gradient Correlation ========================== ============================================ eps : `float`, optional Value for checking the convergence of the optimization. """ def __init__(self, template, transform, residual, eps=10**-10): super(ForwardCompositional, self).__init__( template, transform, residual, eps=eps) self._precompute() def _precompute(self): # compute warp jacobian dW_dp = np.rollaxis( self.transform.d_dp(self.template.indices()), -1) self.dW_dp = dW_dp.reshape(dW_dp.shape[:1] + self.template.shape + dW_dp.shape[-1:])
[docs] def run(self, image, initial_shape, gt_shape=None, max_iters=20, return_costs=False): r""" Execute the optimization algorithm. Parameters ---------- image : `menpo.image.Image` The input test image. initial_shape : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The initial shape from which the optimization will start. gt_shape : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` or ``None``, optional The ground truth shape of the image. It is only needed in order to get passed in the optimization result object, which has the ability to compute the fitting error. max_iters : `int`, optional The maximum number of iterations. Note that the algorithm may converge, and thus stop, earlier. return_costs : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then the cost function values will be computed during the fitting procedure. Then these cost values will be assigned to the returned `fitting_result`. *Note that the costs computation increases the computational cost of the fitting. The additional computation cost depends on the fitting method. Only use this option for research purposes.* Returns ------- fitting_result : :map:`LucasKanadeAlgorithmResult` The parametric iterative fitting result. """ # initialize transform self.transform.set_target(initial_shape) p_list = [self.transform.as_vector()] shapes = [] costs = None if return_costs: costs = [] # initialize iteration counter and epsilon k = 0 eps = np.Inf # Forward Compositional Algorithm while k < max_iters and eps > self.eps: # warp image IWxp = image.warp_to_mask(self.template.mask, self.transform, warp_landmarks=False) # compute steepest descent images filtered_J, J = self.residual.steepest_descent_images( IWxp, self.dW_dp) # compute hessian H = self.residual.hessian(filtered_J, sdi2=J) # compute steepest descent parameter updates. sd_dp = self.residual.steepest_descent_update( filtered_J, IWxp, self.template) # compute gradient descent parameter updates dp = -np.real(np.linalg.solve(H, sd_dp)) # Update warp weights self.transform.compose_after_from_vector_inplace(dp) p_list.append(self.transform.as_vector()) shapes.append( # update cost if return_costs: costs.append(self.residual.cost_closure()) # test convergence eps = np.abs(norm(dp)) # increase iteration counter k += 1 # return algorithm result return LucasKanadeAlgorithmResult( shapes=shapes, homogeneous_parameters=p_list, initial_shape=initial_shape, image=image, gt_shape=gt_shape, costs=costs)
def __str__(self): return "Forward Compositional Algorithm"
[docs]class InverseCompositional(LucasKanade): r""" Inverse Compositional (IC) Lucas-Kanade algorithm Parameters ---------- template : `menpo.image.Image` or subclass The image template. transform : `subclass` of :map:`DP` and :map:`DX`, optional A differential affine transform object, e.g. :map:`DifferentiableAlignmentAffine`. residual : `class` subclass, optional The residual that will get applied. All possible residuals are: ========================== ============================================ Class Description ========================== ============================================ :map:`SSD` Sum of Squared Differences :map:`FourierSSD` Sum of Squared Differences on Fourier domain :map:`ECC` Enhanced Correlation Coefficient :map:`GradientImages` Image Gradient :map:`GradientCorrelation` Gradient Correlation ========================== ============================================ eps : `float`, optional Value for checking the convergence of the optimization. """ def __init__(self, template, transform, residual, eps=10**-10): super(InverseCompositional, self).__init__( template, transform, residual, eps=eps) self._precompute() def _precompute(self): # compute warp jacobian dW_dp = np.rollaxis(self.transform.d_dp(self.template.indices()), -1) dW_dp = dW_dp.reshape(dW_dp.shape[:1] + self.template.shape + dW_dp.shape[-1:]) # compute steepest descent images self.filtered_J, J = self.residual.steepest_descent_images( self.template, dW_dp) # compute hessian self.H = self.residual.hessian(self.filtered_J, sdi2=J)
[docs] def run(self, image, initial_shape, gt_shape=None, max_iters=20, return_costs=False): r""" Execute the optimization algorithm. Parameters ---------- image : `menpo.image.Image` The input test image. initial_shape : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The initial shape from which the optimization will start. gt_shape : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` or ``None``, optional The ground truth shape of the image. It is only needed in order to get passed in the optimization result object, which has the ability to compute the fitting error. max_iters : `int`, optional The maximum number of iterations. Note that the algorithm may converge, and thus stop, earlier. return_costs : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then the cost function values will be computed during the fitting procedure. Then these cost values will be assigned to the returned `fitting_result`. *Note that the costs computation increases the computational cost of the fitting. The additional computation cost depends on the fitting method. Only use this option for research purposes.* Returns ------- fitting_result : :map:`LucasKanadeAlgorithmResult` The parametric iterative fitting result. """ # initialize transform self.transform.set_target(initial_shape) p_list = [self.transform.as_vector()] shapes = [] costs = None if return_costs: costs = [] # initialize iteration counter and epsilon k = 0 eps = np.Inf # Baker-Matthews, Inverse Compositional Algorithm while k < max_iters and eps > self.eps: # warp image IWxp = image.warp_to_mask(self.template.mask, self.transform, warp_landmarks=False) # compute steepest descent parameter updates. sd_dp = self.residual.steepest_descent_update( self.filtered_J, IWxp, self.template) # compute gradient descent parameter updates dp = np.real(np.linalg.solve(self.H, sd_dp)) # update warp inv_dp = self.transform.pseudoinverse_vector(dp) self.transform.compose_after_from_vector_inplace(inv_dp) p_list.append(self.transform.as_vector()) shapes.append( # update cost if return_costs: costs.append(self.residual.cost_closure()) # test convergence eps = np.abs(norm(dp)) # increase iteration counter k += 1 # return algorithm result return LucasKanadeAlgorithmResult( shapes=shapes, homogeneous_parameters=p_list, initial_shape=initial_shape, image=image, gt_shape=gt_shape, costs=costs)
def __str__(self): return "Inverse Compositional Algorithm"