Source code for

from __future__ import division
import abc
import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import fftn, ifftn, fft2
import scipy.linalg

from menpo.feature import gradient

# TODO: Do we want residuals to support masked templates?
class Residual(object):
    An abstract base class for calculating the residual between two images
    within the Lucas-Kanade algorithm. The classes were designed
    specifically to work within the Lucas-Kanade framework and so no
    guarantee is made that calling methods on these subclasses will generate
    correct results.
    def gradient(cls, image, forward=None):
        Calculates the gradients of the given method.

        If `forward` is provided, then the gradients are warped
        (as required in the forward additive algorithm)

        image : `menpo.image.Image`
            The image to calculate the gradients for
        forward : `tuple` or ``None``, optional
            A `tuple` containing the extra weights required for the function
            `warp` (which should be passed as a function handle), i.e.
            ``(`menpo.image.Image`, `menpo.transform.AlignableTransform>`)``. If
            ``None``, then the optimization algorithm is assumed to be inverse.
        if forward:
            # Calculate the gradient over the image
            # grad:  (dims x ch) x H x W
            grad = gradient(image)
            # Warp gradient for forward additive using the given transform
            # grad:  (dims x ch) x h x w
            template, transform = forward
            grad = grad.warp_to_mask(template.mask, transform,
            # Calculate the gradient over the image and set one pixels along
            # the boundary of the image mask to zero (no reliable gradient
            # can be computed there!)
            # grad:  (dims x ch) x h x w
            grad = gradient(image)
            grad = grad.set_boundary_pixels()
        return grad

    def steepest_descent_images(self, image, dW_dp, **kwargs):
        Calculates the standard steepest descent images.

        Within the forward additive framework this is defined as

        .. math::
             \nabla I \frac{\partial W}{\partial p}

        The input image is vectorised (`N`-pixels) so that masked images can
        be handled.

        image : `menpo.image.Image`
            The image to calculate the steepest descent images from, could be
            either the template or input image depending on which framework is
        dW_dp : `ndarray`
            The Jacobian of the warp.

        VT_dW_dp : ``(N, n_params)`` `ndarray`
            The steepest descent images

    def hessian(self, sdi):
        Calculates the Gauss-Newton approximation to the Hessian.

        This is abstracted because some residuals expect the Hessian to be
        pre-processed. The Gauss-Newton approximation to the Hessian is
        defined as:

        .. math::
            \mathbf{J J^T}

        J : ``(N, n_params)`` `ndarray`
            The steepest descent images.

        H : ``(n_params, n_params)`` `ndarray`
            The approximation to the Hessian

    def steepest_descent_update(self, sdi, image, template):
        Calculates the steepest descent parameter updates.

        These are defined, for the forward additive algorithm, as:

        .. math::
            \sum_x [ \nabla I \frac{\partial W}{\partial p} ]^T [ T(x) - I(W(x;p)) ]

        J : ``(N, n_params)`` `ndarray`
            The steepest descent images.
        image : `menpo.image.Image`
            Either the warped image or the template (depending on the framework)
        template : `menpo.image.Image`
            Either the warped image or the template (depending on the framework)

        sd_delta_p : ``(n_params,)`` `ndarray`
            The steepest descent parameter updates.

    def cost_closure(self):
        Method to compute the optimization cost.

        cost : `float`
            The cost value.

[docs]class SSD(Residual): r""" Class for Sum of Squared Differences residual. References ---------- .. [1] B.D. Lucas, and T. Kanade, "An iterative image registration technique with an application to stereo vision", International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 674-679, 1981. """ def __init__(self, kernel=None): self._kernel = kernel
[docs] def steepest_descent_images(self, image, dW_dp, forward=None): r""" Calculates the standard steepest descent images. Within the forward additive framework this is defined as .. math:: \nabla I \frac{\partial W}{\partial p} The input image is vectorised (`N`-pixels) so that masked images can be handled. Parameters ---------- image : `menpo.image.Image` The image to calculate the steepest descent images from, could be either the template or input image depending on which framework is used. dW_dp : `ndarray` The Jacobian of the warp. forward : `tuple` or ``None``, optional A `tuple` containing the extra weights required for the function `warp` (which should be passed as a function handle), i.e. ``(`menpo.image.Image`, `menpo.transform.AlignableTransform>`)``. If ``None``, then the optimization algorithm is assumed to be inverse. Returns ------- VT_dW_dp : ``(N, n_params)`` `ndarray` The steepest descent images """ # compute gradient # grad: dims x ch x h x w nabla = self.gradient(image, forward=forward) nabla = nabla.as_vector().reshape((image.n_dims, image.n_channels) + nabla.shape) # compute steepest descent images # gradient: dims x ch x h x w # dw_dp: dims x x h x w x params # sdi: ch x h x w x params sdi = 0 a = nabla[..., None] * dW_dp[:, None, ...] for d in a: sdi += d if self._kernel is None: # reshape steepest descent images # sdi: (ch x h x w) x params # filtered_sdi: (ch x h x w) x params sdi = sdi.reshape((-1, sdi.shape[-1])) filtered_sdi = sdi else: # if required, filter steepest descent images # fft_sdi: ch x h x w x params filtered_sdi = ifftn(self._kernel[..., None] * fftn(sdi, axes=(-3, -2)), axes=(-3, -2)) # reshape steepest descent images # sdi: (ch x h x w) x params # filtered_sdi: (ch x h x w) x params sdi = sdi.reshape((-1, sdi.shape[-1])) filtered_sdi = filtered_sdi.reshape(sdi.shape) return filtered_sdi, sdi
[docs] def hessian(self, sdi, sdi2=None): r""" Calculates the Gauss-Newton approximation to the Hessian. This is abstracted because some residuals expect the Hessian to be pre-processed. The Gauss-Newton approximation to the Hessian is defined as: .. math:: \mathbf{J J^T} Parameters ---------- sdi : ``(N, n_params)`` `ndarray` The steepest descent images. sdi2 : ``(N, n_params)`` `ndarray` or ``None``, optional The steepest descent images. Returns ------- H : ``(n_params, n_params)`` `ndarray` The approximation to the Hessian """ # compute hessian # sdi.T: params x (ch x h x w) # sdi: (ch x h x w) x params # hessian: params x x params if sdi2 is None: H = else: H = return H
[docs] def steepest_descent_update(self, sdi, image, template): r""" Calculates the steepest descent parameter updates. These are defined, for the forward additive algorithm, as: .. math:: \sum_x [ \nabla I \frac{\partial W}{\partial p} ]^T [ T(x) - I(W(x;p)) ] Parameters ---------- sdi : ``(N, n_params)`` `ndarray` The steepest descent images. image : `menpo.image.Image` Either the warped image or the template (depending on the framework) template : `menpo.image.Image` Either the warped image or the template (depending on the framework) Returns ------- sd_delta_p : ``(n_params,)`` `ndarray` The steepest descent parameter updates. """ self._error_img = image.as_vector() - template.as_vector() return
[docs] def cost_closure(self): r""" Method to compute the optimization cost. Returns ------- cost : `float` The cost value. """ def cost_closure(x, k): if k is None: return else: x = x.reshape((-1,) + k.shape[-2:]) kx = ifftn(k[..., None] * fftn(x, axes=(-2, -1)), axes=(-2, -1)) return x.ravel() return cost_closure(self._error_img, self._kernel)
def __str__(self): return "Sum of Squared Differences Residual"
# TODO: Does not support masked templates at the moment
[docs]class FourierSSD(Residual): r""" Class for Sum of Squared Differences on the Fourier domain residual. References ---------- .. [1] A.B. Ashraf, S. Lucey, and T. Chen. "Fast Image Alignment in the Fourier Domain", IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 2480-2487, 2010. """ def __init__(self, kernel=None): self._kernel = kernel
[docs] def steepest_descent_images(self, image, dW_dp, forward=None): r""" Calculates the standard steepest descent images. Within the forward additive framework this is defined as .. math:: \nabla I \frac{\partial W}{\partial p} The input image is vectorised (`N`-pixels) so that masked images can be handled. Parameters ---------- image : `menpo.image.Image` The image to calculate the steepest descent images from, could be either the template or input image depending on which framework is used. dW_dp : `ndarray` The Jacobian of the warp. forward : `tuple` or ``None``, optional A `tuple` containing the extra weights required for the function `warp` (which should be passed as a function handle), i.e. ``(`menpo.image.Image`, `menpo.transform.AlignableTransform>`)``. If ``None``, then the optimization algorithm is assumed to be inverse. Returns ------- VT_dW_dp : ``(N, n_params)`` `ndarray` The steepest descent images """ # compute gradient # grad: dims x ch x h x w nabla = self.gradient(image, forward=forward) nabla = nabla.as_vector().reshape((image.n_dims, image.n_channels) + nabla.shape) # compute steepest descent images # gradient: dims x ch x h x w # dw_dp: dims x x h x w x params # sdi: ch x h x w x params sdi = 0 a = nabla[..., None] * dW_dp[:, None, ...] for d in a: sdi += d # compute steepest descent images fft # fft_sdi: ch x h x w x params fft_sdi = fftn(sdi, axes=(-3, -2)) if self._kernel is None: # reshape steepest descent images # fft_sdi: (ch x h x w) x params # filtered_fft_sdi: (ch x h x w) x params fft_sdi = fft_sdi.reshape((-1, fft_sdi.shape[-1])) filtered_fft_sdi = fft_sdi else: # if required, filter steepest descent images filtered_fft_sdi = self._kernel[..., None] * fft_sdi # reshape steepest descent images # fft_sdi: (ch x h x w) x params # filtered_fft_sdi: (ch x h x w) x params fft_sdi = fft_sdi.reshape((-1, fft_sdi.shape[-1])) filtered_fft_sdi = filtered_fft_sdi.reshape(fft_sdi.shape) return filtered_fft_sdi, fft_sdi
[docs] def hessian(self, sdi, sdi2=None): r""" Calculates the Gauss-Newton approximation to the Hessian. This is abstracted because some residuals expect the Hessian to be pre-processed. The Gauss-Newton approximation to the Hessian is defined as: .. math:: \mathbf{J J^T} Parameters ---------- sdi : ``(N, n_params)`` `ndarray` The steepest descent images. sdi2 : ``(N, n_params)`` `ndarray` or ``None``, optional The steepest descent images. Returns ------- H : ``(n_params, n_params)`` `ndarray` The approximation to the Hessian """ if sdi2 is None: H = sdi.conjugate() else: H = sdi.conjugate() return H
[docs] def steepest_descent_update(self, sdi, image, template): r""" Calculates the steepest descent parameter updates. These are defined, for the forward additive algorithm, as: .. math:: \sum_x [ \nabla I \frac{\partial W}{\partial p} ]^T [ T(x) - I(W(x;p)) ] Parameters ---------- sdi : ``(N, n_params)`` `ndarray` The steepest descent images. image : `menpo.image.Image` Either the warped image or the template (depending on the framework) template : `menpo.image.Image` Either the warped image or the template (depending on the framework) Returns ------- sd_delta_p : ``(n_params,)`` `ndarray` The steepest descent parameter updates. """ # compute error image # error_img: ch x h x w self._error_img = image.pixels - template.pixels # compute error image fft # fft_error_img: ch x (h x w) fft_error_img = fft2(self._error_img) # compute steepest descent update # fft_sdi: params x (ch x h x w) # fft_error_img: (ch x h x w) # fft_sdu: params return sdi.conjugate()
[docs] def cost_closure(self): r""" Method to compute the optimization cost. Returns ------- cost : `float` The cost value. """ def cost_closure(x, k): if k is None: return x.ravel() else: kx = ifftn(k[..., None] * fftn(x, axes=(-2, -1)), axes=(-2, -1)) return x.ravel() return cost_closure(self._error_img, self._kernel)
def __str__(self): return "Fourier Sum of Squared Differences Residual"
[docs]class ECC(Residual): r""" Class for Enhanced Correlation Coefficient residual. References ---------- .. [1] G.D. Evangelidis, and E.Z. Psarakis. "Parametric Image Alignment Using Enhanced Correlation Coefficient Maximization", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 30(10): 1858-1865, 2008. """ def _normalise_images(self, image): # TODO: do we need to copy the image? # TODO: is this supposed to be per channel normalization? norm_image = image.copy() norm_image.normalize_norm_inplace() return norm_image
[docs] def steepest_descent_images(self, image, dW_dp, forward=None): r""" Calculates the standard steepest descent images. Within the forward additive framework this is defined as .. math:: \nabla I \frac{\partial W}{\partial p} The input image is vectorised (`N`-pixels) so that masked images can be handled. Parameters ---------- image : `menpo.image.Image` The image to calculate the steepest descent images from, could be either the template or input image depending on which framework is used. dW_dp : `ndarray` The Jacobian of the warp. forward : `tuple` or ``None``, optional A `tuple` containing the extra weights required for the function `warp` (which should be passed as a function handle), i.e. ``(`menpo.image.Image`, `menpo.transform.AlignableTransform>`)``. If ``None``, then the optimization algorithm is assumed to be inverse. Returns ------- VT_dW_dp : ``(N, n_params)`` `ndarray` The steepest descent images """ # normalize image norm_image = self._normalise_images(image) # compute gradient # gradient: dims x ch x pixels grad = self.gradient(norm_image, forward=forward) grad = grad.as_vector().reshape((image.n_dims, image.n_channels) + grad.shape) # compute steepest descent images # gradient: dims x ch x pixels # dw_dp: dims x x pixels x params # sdi: ch x pixels x params sdi = 0 a = grad[..., None] * dW_dp[:, None, ...] for d in a: sdi += d # reshape steepest descent images # sdi: (ch x pixels) x params sdi = sdi.reshape((-1, sdi.shape[-1])) return sdi, sdi
[docs] def hessian(self, sdi, sdi2=None): r""" Calculates the Gauss-Newton approximation to the Hessian. This is abstracted because some residuals expect the Hessian to be pre-processed. The Gauss-Newton approximation to the Hessian is defined as: .. math:: \mathbf{J J^T} Parameters ---------- sdi : ``(N, n_params)`` `ndarray` The steepest descent images. sdi2 : ``(N, n_params)`` `ndarray` or ``None``, optional The steepest descent images. Returns ------- H : ``(n_params, n_params)`` `ndarray` The approximation to the Hessian """ # compute hessian # sdi.T: params x (ch x h x w) # sdi: (ch x h x w) x params # hessian: params x x params if sdi2 is None: H = else: H = self._H_inv = scipy.linalg.inv(H) return H
[docs] def steepest_descent_update(self, sdi, image, template): r""" Calculates the steepest descent parameter updates. These are defined, for the forward additive algorithm, as: .. math:: \sum_x [ \nabla I \frac{\partial W}{\partial p} ]^T [ T(x) - I(W(x;p)) ] Parameters ---------- sdi : ``(N, n_params)`` `ndarray` The steepest descent images. image : `menpo.image.Image` Either the warped image or the template (depending on the framework) template : `menpo.image.Image` Either the warped image or the template (depending on the framework) Returns ------- sd_delta_p : ``(n_params,)`` `ndarray` The steepest descent parameter updates. """ self._normalised_IWxp = self._normalise_images(image).as_vector() self._normalised_template = self._normalise_images( template).as_vector() Gt = Gw = # Calculate the numerator IWxp_norm = scipy.linalg.norm(self._normalised_IWxp) num1 = IWxp_norm ** 2 num2 =,, Gw)) num = num1 - num2 # Calculate the denominator den1 =, self._normalised_IWxp) den2 =,, Gw)) den = den1 - den2 # Calculate lambda to choose the step size # Avoid division by zero if den > 0: l = num / den else: den3 =,, Gt)) l1 = np.sqrt(num2 / den3) l2 = - den / den3 l = np.maximum(l1, l2) self._error_img = l * self._normalised_IWxp - self._normalised_template return
[docs] def cost_closure(self): r""" Method to compute the optimization cost. Returns ------- cost : `float` The cost value. """ def cost_closure(x, y): return return cost_closure(self._normalised_IWxp, self._normalised_template)
def __str__(self): return "Enhanced Correlation Coefficient Residual"
[docs]class GradientImages(Residual): r""" Class for Gradient Images residual. References ---------- .. [1] G. Tzimiropoulos, S. Zafeiriou, and M. Pantic. "Robust and Efficient Parametric Face Alignment", IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), pp. 1847-1854, November 2011. """ def _regularise_gradients(self, grad): pixels = grad.pixels ab = np.sqrt(np.sum(pixels**2, axis=0)) m_ab = np.median(ab) ab = ab + m_ab grad.pixels = pixels / ab return grad
[docs] def steepest_descent_images(self, image, dW_dp, forward=None): r""" Calculates the standard steepest descent images. Within the forward additive framework this is defined as .. math:: \nabla I \frac{\partial W}{\partial p} The input image is vectorised (`N`-pixels) so that masked images can be handled. Parameters ---------- image : `menpo.image.Image` The image to calculate the steepest descent images from, could be either the template or input image depending on which framework is used. dW_dp : `ndarray` The Jacobian of the warp. forward : `tuple` or ``None``, optional A `tuple` containing the extra weights required for the function `warp` (which should be passed as a function handle), i.e. ``(`menpo.image.Image`, `menpo.transform.AlignableTransform>`)``. If ``None``, then the optimization algorithm is assumed to be inverse. Returns ------- VT_dW_dp : ``(N, n_params)`` `ndarray` The steepest descent images """ n_dims = image.n_dims n_channels = image.n_channels # compute gradient first_grad = self.gradient(image, forward=forward) self._template_grad = self._regularise_gradients(first_grad) # compute gradient # second_grad: dims x dims x ch x pixels second_grad = self.gradient(self._template_grad) second_grad = second_grad.masked_pixels().flatten().reshape( (n_dims, n_dims, n_channels) + second_grad.shape) # Fix crossed derivatives: dydx = dxdy second_grad[1, 0, ...] = second_grad[0, 1, ...] # compute steepest descent images # gradient: dims x dims x ch x (h x w) # dw_dp: dims x x (h x w) x params # sdi: dims x ch x (h x w) x params sdi = 0 a = second_grad[..., None] * dW_dp[:, None, None, ...] for d in a: sdi += d # reshape steepest descent images # sdi: (ch x pixels) x params sdi = sdi.reshape((-1, sdi.shape[-1])) return sdi, sdi
[docs] def hessian(self, sdi, sdi2=None): r""" Calculates the Gauss-Newton approximation to the Hessian. This is abstracted because some residuals expect the Hessian to be pre-processed. The Gauss-Newton approximation to the Hessian is defined as: .. math:: \mathbf{J J^T} Parameters ---------- sdi : ``(N, n_params)`` `ndarray` The steepest descent images. sdi2 : ``(N, n_params)`` `ndarray` or ``None``, optional The steepest descent images. Returns ------- H : ``(n_params, n_params)`` `ndarray` The approximation to the Hessian """ # compute hessian # sdi.T: params x (ch x h x w) # sdi: (ch x h x w) x params # hessian: params x x params if sdi2 is None: H = else: H = return H
[docs] def steepest_descent_update(self, sdi, image, template): r""" Calculates the steepest descent parameter updates. These are defined, for the forward additive algorithm, as: .. math:: \sum_x [ \nabla I \frac{\partial W}{\partial p} ]^T [ T(x) - I(W(x;p)) ] Parameters ---------- sdi : ``(N, n_params)`` `ndarray` The steepest descent images. image : `menpo.image.Image` Either the warped image or the template (depending on the framework) template : `menpo.image.Image` Either the warped image or the template (depending on the framework) Returns ------- sd_delta_p : ``(n_params,)`` `ndarray` The steepest descent parameter updates. """ # compute image regularized gradient IWxp_grad = self.gradient(image) IWxp_grad = self._regularise_gradients(IWxp_grad) # compute vectorized error_image # error_img: (dims x ch x pixels) self._error_img = (IWxp_grad.as_vector() - self._template_grad.as_vector()) # compute steepest descent update # sdi.T: params x (dims x ch x pixels) # error_img: (dims x ch x pixels) # sdu: params return
[docs] def cost_closure(self): r""" Method to compute the optimization cost. Returns ------- cost : `float` The cost value. """ def cost_closure(x): return return cost_closure(self._error_img)
def __str__(self): return "Gradient Image Residual"
[docs]class GradientCorrelation(Residual): r""" Class for Gradient Correlation residual. References ---------- .. [1] G. Tzimiropoulos, S. Zafeiriou, and M. Pantic. "Robust and Efficient Parametric Face Alignment", IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), pp. 1847-1854, November 2011. """
[docs] def steepest_descent_images(self, image, dW_dp, forward=None): r""" Calculates the standard steepest descent images. Within the forward additive framework this is defined as .. math:: \nabla I \frac{\partial W}{\partial p} The input image is vectorised (`N`-pixels) so that masked images can be handled. Parameters ---------- image : `menpo.image.Image` The image to calculate the steepest descent images from, could be either the template or input image depending on which framework is used. dW_dp : `ndarray` The Jacobian of the warp. forward : `tuple` or ``None``, optional A `tuple` containing the extra weights required for the function `warp` (which should be passed as a function handle), i.e. ``(`menpo.image.Image`, `menpo.transform.AlignableTransform>`)``. If ``None``, then the optimization algorithm is assumed to be inverse. Returns ------- VT_dW_dp : ``(N, n_params)`` `ndarray` The steepest descent images """ n_dims = image.n_dims n_channels = image.n_channels # compute gradient # grad: dims x ch x pixels grad = self.gradient(image, forward=forward) grad2 = grad.as_vector().reshape((n_dims, n_channels) + grad.shape) # compute IGOs (remember axis 0 is y, axis 1 is x) # grad: dims x ch x pixels # phi: ch x pixels # cos_phi: ch x pixels # sin_phi: ch x pixels phi = np.angle(grad2[1, ...] + 1j * grad2[0, ...]) self._cos_phi = np.cos(phi) self._sin_phi = np.sin(phi) # concatenate sin and cos terms so that we can take the second # derivatives correctly. sin(phi) = y and cos(phi) = x which is the # correct ordering when multiplying against the warp Jacobian # cos_phi: ch x pixels # sin_phi: ch x pixels # grad: (dims x ch) x pixels grad.from_vector_inplace( np.concatenate((self._sin_phi[None, ...], self._cos_phi[None, ...]), axis=0).ravel()) # compute IGOs gradient # second_grad: dims x dims x ch x pixels second_grad = self.gradient(grad) second_grad = second_grad.masked_pixels().flatten().reshape( (n_dims, n_dims, n_channels) + second_grad.shape) # Fix crossed derivatives: dydx = dxdy second_grad[1, 0, ...] = second_grad[0, 1, ...] # complete full IGOs gradient computation # second_grad: dims x dims x ch x pixels second_grad[1, ...] = (-self._sin_phi[None, ...] * second_grad[1, ...]) second_grad[0, ...] = (self._cos_phi[None, ...] * second_grad[0, ...]) # compute steepest descent images # gradient: dims x dims x ch x pixels # dw_dp: dims x x pixels x params # sdi: ch x pixels x params sdi = 0 aux = second_grad[..., None] * dW_dp[None, :, None, ...] for a in aux.reshape(((-1,) + aux.shape[2:])): sdi += a # compute constant N # N: 1 self._N = grad.n_parameters / 2 # reshape steepest descent images # sdi: (ch x pixels) x params sdi = sdi.reshape((-1, sdi.shape[-1])) return sdi, sdi
[docs] def hessian(self, sdi, sdi2=None): r""" Calculates the Gauss-Newton approximation to the Hessian. This is abstracted because some residuals expect the Hessian to be pre-processed. The Gauss-Newton approximation to the Hessian is defined as: .. math:: \mathbf{J J^T} Parameters ---------- sdi : ``(N, n_params)`` `ndarray` The steepest descent images. sdi2 : ``(N, n_params)`` `ndarray` or ``None``, optional The steepest descent images. Returns ------- H : ``(n_params, n_params)`` `ndarray` The approximation to the Hessian """ # compute hessian # sdi.T: params x (ch x h x w) # sdi: (ch x h x w) x params # hessian: params x x params if sdi2 is None: H = else: H = return H
[docs] def steepest_descent_update(self, sdi, image, template): r""" Calculates the steepest descent parameter updates. These are defined, for the forward additive algorithm, as: .. math:: \sum_x [ \nabla I \frac{\partial W}{\partial p} ]^T [ T(x) - I(W(x;p)) ] Parameters ---------- sdi : ``(N, n_params)`` `ndarray` The steepest descent images. image : `menpo.image.Image` Either the warped image or the template (depending on the framework) template : `menpo.image.Image` Either the warped image or the template (depending on the framework) Returns ------- sd_delta_p : ``(n_params,)`` `ndarray` The steepest descent parameter updates. """ n_dims = image.n_dims n_channels = image.n_channels # compute image gradient IWxp_grad = self.gradient(image) IWxp_grad = IWxp_grad.as_vector().reshape( (n_dims, n_channels) + image.shape) # compute IGOs (remember axis 0 is y, axis 1 is x) # IWxp_grad: dims x ch x pixels # phi: ch x pixels # IWxp_cos_phi: ch x pixels # IWxp_sin_phi: ch x pixels phi = np.angle(IWxp_grad[1, ...] + 1j * IWxp_grad[0, ...]) IWxp_cos_phi = np.cos(phi) IWxp_sin_phi = np.sin(phi) # compute error image # error_img: (ch x h x w) self._error_img = (self._cos_phi * IWxp_sin_phi - self._sin_phi * IWxp_cos_phi).ravel() # compute steepest descent update # sdi: (ch x pixels) x params # error_img: (ch x pixels) # sdu: params sdu = # compute step size qp = np.sum(self._cos_phi * IWxp_cos_phi + self._sin_phi * IWxp_sin_phi) self._l = self._N / qp return self._l * sdu
[docs] def cost_closure(self): r""" Method to compute the optimization cost. Returns ------- cost : `float` The cost value. """ def cost_closure(x): return 1/x return cost_closure(self._l)
def __str__(self): return "Gradient Correlation Residual"