Source code for menpofit.modelinstance

import numpy as np

from menpo.base import Targetable, Vectorizable
from menpo.model import MeanLinearModel, PCAModel
from menpo.model.vectorizable import VectorizableBackedModel
from menpo.shape import mean_pointcloud

from menpofit.builder import align_shapes
from menpofit.differentiable import DP

class _SimilarityModel(VectorizableBackedModel, MeanLinearModel):

    def __init__(self, components, mean):
        MeanLinearModel.__init__(self, components, mean.as_vector())
        VectorizableBackedModel.__init__(self, mean)

    def project_vector(self, instance_vector):
        return MeanLinearModel.project(self, instance_vector)

    def reconstruct_vector(self, instance_vector):
        return MeanLinearModel.reconstruct(self, instance_vector)

    def instance_vector(self, weights):
        return MeanLinearModel.instance(self, weights)

    def component_vector(self, index):
        return MeanLinearModel.component(self, index)

    def project_out_vector(self, instance_vector):
        return MeanLinearModel.project_out(self, instance_vector)

    def __str__(self):
        str_out = 'Similarity Transform Model \n' \
                  ' - # features:           {}\n' \
                  ' - total # components:   {}\n' \
                  ' - components shape:     {}\n'.format(
            self.n_features, self.n_components, self.components.shape)
        return str_out

[docs]def similarity_2d_instance_model(shape): r""" Creates a `menpo.model.MeanLinearModel` that encodes the 2D similarity transforms that can be applied on a 2D shape that consists of `n_points`. Parameters ---------- shape : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The input 2D shape. Returns ------- model : `subclass` of `menpo.model.MeanLinearModel` Linear model with four components, the linear combinations of which represent the original shape under a similarity transform. The model is exhaustive (that is, all possible similarity transforms can be expressed with the model). """ shape_vector = shape.as_vector() components = np.zeros((4, shape_vector.shape[0])) components[0, :] = shape_vector # Comp. 1 - just the shape rotated_ccw = shape.points[:, ::-1].copy() # flip x,y -> y,x rotated_ccw[:, 0] = -rotated_ccw[:, 0] # negate (old) y components[1, :] = rotated_ccw.flatten() # C2 - the shape rotated 90 degs components[2, ::2] = 1 # Tx components[3, 1::2] = 1 # Ty return _SimilarityModel(components, shape)
[docs]class ModelInstance(Targetable, Vectorizable, DP): r""" Base class for creating a model that can produce a target `menpo.shape.PointCloud` and knows how to compute its own derivative with respect to its parametrisation. Parameters ---------- model : `class` The trained model (e.g. `menpo.model.PCAModel`). """ def __init__(self, model): self.model = model self._target = None # set all weights to 0 (yielding the mean, first call to # from_vector_inplace() or set_target() will update this) self._weights = np.zeros(self.model.n_active_components) @property def n_weights(self): r""" The number of parameters in the linear model. :type: `int` """ return self.model.n_active_components @property def weights(self): r""" The weights of the model. :type: ``(n_weights,)`` `ndarray` """ return self._weights @property def target(self): r""" The current `menpo.shape.PointCloud` that this object produces. :type: `menpo.shape.PointCloud` """ return self._target def _target_setter(self, new_target): r""" Called by the Targetable framework when set_target() is called. This method **ONLY SETS THE NEW TARGET** it does no synchronisation logic (for that, see _sync_state_from_target()) """ self._target = new_target def _new_target_from_state(self): r""" Return the appropriate target for the parameters provided. Subclasses can override this. Returns ------- new_target : model instance """ return self.model.instance(self.weights) def _sync_state_from_target(self): # 1. Find the optimum parameters and set them self._weights = self._weights_for_target( # 2. Find the closest target the model can reproduce and trigger an # update of our transform self._target_setter(self._new_target_from_state()) def _weights_for_target(self, target): r""" Return the appropriate model weights for target provided. Subclasses can override this. Parameters ---------- target: model instance The target that the statistical model will try to reproduce Returns ------- weights: (P,) ndarray Weights of the statistical model that generate the closest instance to the requested target """ return self.model.project(target) def _as_vector(self): r""" Return the current parameters of this transform - this is the just the linear model's weights Returns ------- params : (`n_parameters`,) ndarray The vector of parameters """ return self.weights def _from_vector_inplace(self, vector): r""" Updates this `menpofit.modelinstance.ModelInstance` from it's vectorized form (in this case, simply the weights on the linear model) """ self._weights = vector self._sync_target_from_state()
[docs]class GlobalSimilarityModel(Targetable, Vectorizable): r""" Class for creating a model that represents a global similarity transform (in-plane rotation, scaling, translation). Parameters ---------- data : `list` of `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The `list` of shapes to use as training data. """ def __init__(self, data, **kwargs): from menpofit.transform import DifferentiableAlignmentSimilarity aligned_shapes = align_shapes(data) self.mean = mean_pointcloud(aligned_shapes) # Default target is the mean self._target = self.mean self.transform = DifferentiableAlignmentSimilarity(, @property def n_weights(self): r""" The number of parameters in the linear model. :type: `int` """ return 4 @property def weights(self): r""" The weights of the model. :type: ``(n_weights,)`` `ndarray` """ return self.transform.as_vector() @property def target(self): r""" The current `menpo.shape.PointCloud` that this object produces. :type: `menpo.shape.PointCloud` """ return self._target
[docs] def set_target(self, new_target): r""" Update this object so that it attempts to recreate the ``new_target``. Parameters ---------- new_target : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The new target that this object should try and regenerate. """ self.transform.set_target(new_target) self._target = self.transform.apply(self.mean) return self
def _as_vector(self): r""" Return the current parameters of this transform - this is the just the linear model's weights Returns ------- params : (`n_parameters`,) ndarray The vector of parameters """ return self.transform.as_vector() def _from_vector_inplace(self, vector): self.transform._from_vector_inplace(vector) self._target = self.transform.apply(self.mean) @property def n_dims(self): r""" The number of dimensions of the spatial instance of the model. :type: `int` """ return self.mean.n_dims
[docs] def d_dp(self, _): r""" Returns the Jacobian of the similarity model reshaped in order to have the standard Jacobian shape, i.e. ``(n_points, n_weights, n_dims)`` which maps to ``(n_features, n_components, n_dims)`` on the linear model. Returns ------- jacobian : ``(n_features, n_components, n_dims)`` `ndarray` The Jacobian of the model in the standard Jacobian shape. """ # Always evaluated at the mean shape return self.transform.d_dp(self.mean.points)
[docs]class PDM(ModelInstance): r""" Class for building a Point Distribution Model. It is a specialised version of :map:`ModelInstance` for use with spatial data. Parameters ---------- data : `list` of `menpo.shape.PointCloud` or `menpo.model.PCAModel` instance If a `list` of `menpo.shape.PointCloud`, then a `menpo.model.PCAModel` will be trained from those training shapes. Otherwise, a trained `menpo.model.PCAModel` instance can be provided. max_n_components : `int` or ``None``, optional The maximum number of components that the model will keep. If ``None``, then all the components will be kept. """ def __init__(self, data, max_n_components=None): if isinstance(data, PCAModel): shape_model = data else: aligned_shapes = align_shapes(data) shape_model = PCAModel(aligned_shapes) if max_n_components is not None: shape_model.trim_components(max_n_components) super(PDM, self).__init__(shape_model) # Default target is the mean self._target = self.model.mean() @property def n_active_components(self): r""" The number of components currently in use on this model. :type: `int` """ return self.model.n_active_components @n_active_components.setter def n_active_components(self, value): r""" Sets an updated number of active components on this model. The number of active components represents the number of principal components that will be used for generative purposes. Note that this therefore makes the model stateful. Also note that setting the number of components will not affect memory unless `trim_components` is called. Parameters ---------- value : `int` The new number of active components. Raises ------ ValueError Tried setting n_active_components to {value} - value needs to be a float 0.0 < n_components < self._total_kept_variance_ratio ({}) or an integer 1 < n_components < self.n_components ({}) """ self.model.n_active_components = value self._sync_state_from_target() @property def n_dims(self): r""" The number of dimensions of the spatial instance of the model :type: `int` """ return self.model.template_instance.n_dims
[docs] def d_dp(self, points): r""" Returns the Jacobian of the similarity model reshaped in order to have the standard Jacobian shape, i.e. ``(n_points, n_weights, n_dims)`` which maps to ``(n_features, n_components, n_dims)`` on the linear model. Returns ------- jacobian : ``(n_features, n_components, n_dims)`` `ndarray` The Jacobian of the model in the standard Jacobian shape. """ d_dp = self.model.components.reshape(self.model.n_active_components, -1, self.n_dims) return d_dp.swapaxes(0, 1)
[docs] def increment(self, shapes, n_shapes=None, forgetting_factor=1.0, max_n_components=None, verbose=False): r""" Update the eigenvectors, eigenvalues and mean vector of this model by performing incremental PCA on the given samples. Parameters ---------- shapes : `list` of `menpo.shape.PointCloud` List of new shapes to update the model from. n_shapes : `int` or ``None``, optional If `int`, then `shapes` must be an iterator that yields `n_shapes`. If ``None``, then `shapes` has to be a list (so we know how large the data matrix needs to be). forgetting_factor : ``[0.0, 1.0]`` `float`, optional Forgetting factor that weights the relative contribution of new samples vs old samples. If 1.0, all samples are weighted equally and, hence, the results is the exact same as performing batch PCA on the concatenated list of old and new simples. If <1.0, more emphasis is put on the new samples. See [1] for details. max_n_components : `int` or ``None``, optional The maximum number of components that the model will keep. If ``None``, then all the components will be kept. verbose : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then information about the progress will be printed. References ---------- .. [1] D. Ross, J. Lim, R.S. Lin, M.H. Yang. "Incremental Learning for Robust Visual Tracking". International Journal on Computer Vision, 2007. """ old_target = aligned_shapes = align_shapes(shapes) self.model.increment(aligned_shapes, n_samples=n_shapes, forgetting_factor=forgetting_factor, verbose=verbose) if max_n_components is not None: self.model.trim_components(max_n_components) # Reset the target given the new model self.set_target(old_target)
def __str__(self): str_out = 'Point Distribution Model \n' \ ' - centred: {}\n' \ ' - # features: {}\n' \ ' - # active components: {}\n' \ ' - kept variance: {:.2} {:.1%}\n' \ ' - noise variance: {:.2} {:.1%}\n' \ ' - total # components: {}\n' \ ' - components shape: {}\n'.format( self.model.centred, self.model.n_features, self.n_active_components, self.model.variance(), self.model.variance_ratio(), self.model.noise_variance(), self.model.noise_variance_ratio(), self.model.n_components, self.model.components.shape) return str_out
[docs]class GlobalPDM(PDM): r""" Class for building a Point Distribution Model that also stores a Global Alignment transform. The final transform couples the Global Alignment transform to a statistical linear model, so that its weights are fully specified by both the weights of statistical model and the weights of the similarity transform. Parameters ---------- data : `list` of `menpo.shape.PointCloud` or `menpo.model.PCAModel` instance If a `list` of `menpo.shape.PointCloud`, then a `menpo.model.PCAModel` will be trained from those training shapes. Otherwise, a trained `menpo.model.PCAModel` instance can be provided. global_transform_cls : `class` The Global Similarity transform class (e.g. :map:`DifferentiableAlignmentSimilarity`). max_n_components : `int` or ``None``, optional The maximum number of components that the model will keep. If ``None``, then all the components will be kept. """ def __init__(self, data, global_transform_cls, max_n_components=None): super(GlobalPDM, self).__init__(data, max_n_components=max_n_components) # Start the global_transform as an identity (first call to # from_vector_inplace() or set_target() will update this) mean = self.model.mean() self.global_transform = global_transform_cls(mean, mean) @property def n_global_parameters(self): r""" The number of parameters in the `global_transform` :type: `int` """ return self.global_transform.n_parameters @property def global_parameters(self): r""" The parameters for the global transform. :type: ``(n_global_parameters,) `ndarray` """ return self.global_transform.as_vector() def _new_target_from_state(self): r""" Return the appropriate target for the model weights provided, accounting for the effect of the global transform Returns ------- new_target : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` A new target for the weights provided """ return self.global_transform.apply(self.model.instance(self.weights)) def _weights_for_target(self, target): r""" Return the appropriate model weights for target provided, accounting for the effect of the global transform. Note that this method updates the global transform to be in the correct state. Parameters ---------- target : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The target that the statistical model will try to reproduce Returns ------- weights : ``(P,)`` `ndarray` Weights of the statistical model that generate the closest PointCloud to the requested target """ self._update_global_transform(target) projected_target = self.global_transform.pseudoinverse().apply(target) # now we have the target in model space, project it to recover the # weights new_weights = self.model.project(projected_target) # TODO investigate the impact of this, could be problematic # the model can't perfectly reproduce the target we asked for - # reset the to what it CAN produce #refined_target = self._target_for_weights(new_weights) = refined_target return new_weights def _update_global_transform(self, target): self.global_transform.set_target(target) def _as_vector(self): r""" Return the current parameters of this transform - this is the just the linear model's weights Returns ------- params : ``(n_parameters,)`` `ndarray` The vector of parameters """ return np.hstack([self.global_parameters, self.weights]) def _from_vector_inplace(self, vector): # First, update the global transform global_parameters = vector[:self.n_global_parameters] self._update_global_weights(global_parameters) # Now extract the weights, and let super handle the update weights = vector[self.n_global_parameters:] PDM._from_vector_inplace(self, weights) def _update_global_weights(self, global_weights): r""" Hook that allows for overriding behavior when the global weights are set. Default implementation simply asks global_transform to update itself from vector. """ self.global_transform._from_vector_inplace(global_weights)
[docs] def d_dp(self, points): r""" The derivative with respect to the parametrisation changes evaluated at points. Parameters ---------- points : ``(n_points, n_dims)`` `ndarray` The spatial points at which the derivative should be evaluated. Returns ------- d_dp : ``(n_points, n_parameters, n_dims)`` `ndarray` The Jacobian with respect to the parametrisation. """ # d_dp is always evaluated at the mean shape points = self.model.mean().points # compute dX/dp # dX/dq is the Jacobian of the global transform evaluated at the # current target # (n_points, n_global_params, n_dims) dX_dq = self._global_transform_d_dp(points) # by application of the chain rule dX/db is the Jacobian of the # model transformed by the linear component of the global transform # (n_points, n_weights, n_dims) dS_db = PDM.d_dp(self, []) # (n_points, n_dims, n_dims) dX_dS = self.global_transform.d_dx(points) # (n_points, n_weights, n_dims) dX_db = np.einsum('ilj, idj -> idj', dX_dS, dS_db) # dX/dp is simply the concatenation of the previous two terms # (n_points, n_params, n_dims) return np.hstack((dX_dq, dX_db))
def _global_transform_d_dp(self, points): return self.global_transform.d_dp(points)
[docs]class OrthoPDM(GlobalPDM): r""" Class for building a Point Distribution Model that also stores a Global Alignment transform. The final transform couples the Global Alignment transform to a statistical linear model, so that its weights are fully specified by both the weights of statistical model and the weights of the similarity transform. This transform (in contrast to the :map`GlobalPDM`) additionally orthonormalises both the global and the model basis against each other, ensuring that orthogonality and normalization is enforced across the unified bases. Parameters ---------- data : `list` of `menpo.shape.PointCloud` or `menpo.model.PCAModel` instance If a `list` of `menpo.shape.PointCloud`, then a `menpo.model.PCAModel` will be trained from those training shapes. Otherwise, a trained `menpo.model.PCAModel` instance can be provided. max_n_components : `int` or ``None``, optional The maximum number of components that the model will keep. If ``None``, then all the components will be kept. """ def __init__(self, data, max_n_components=None): from menpofit.transform import DifferentiableAlignmentSimilarity super(OrthoPDM, self).__init__( data, DifferentiableAlignmentSimilarity, max_n_components=max_n_components) self._construct_similarity_model() # Set target from state (after orthonormalizing) self._sync_target_from_state() def _construct_similarity_model(self): # 1. Construct similarity model from the mean of the model model_mean = self.model.mean() self.similarity_model = similarity_2d_instance_model(model_mean) # 2. Orthonormalize model and similarity model self.model.orthonormalize_against_inplace(self.similarity_model) # The number of components may have changed. So re-create the weights # from the new number of active components self._weights = np.zeros(self.model.n_active_components) self.similarity_weights = self.similarity_model.project(model_mean) @property def global_parameters(self): r""" The parameters for the global transform. :type: ``(n_global_parameters,)`` `ndarray` """ return self.similarity_weights def _update_global_transform(self, target): self.similarity_weights = self.similarity_model.project(target) self._update_global_weights(self.similarity_weights) def _update_global_weights(self, global_weights): self.similarity_weights = global_weights new_target = self.similarity_model.instance(global_weights) self.global_transform.set_target(new_target) def _global_transform_d_dp(self, points): return self.similarity_model.components.reshape( self.n_global_parameters, -1, self.n_dims).swapaxes(0, 1)
[docs] def increment(self, shapes, n_shapes=None, forgetting_factor=1.0, max_n_components=None, verbose=False): r""" Update the eigenvectors, eigenvalues and mean vector of this model by performing incremental PCA on the given samples. Parameters ---------- shapes : `list` of `menpo.shape.PointCloud` List of new shapes to update the model from. n_shapes : `int` or ``None``, optional If `int`, then `shapes` must be an iterator that yields `n_shapes`. If ``None``, then `shapes` has to be a list (so we know how large the data matrix needs to be). forgetting_factor : ``[0.0, 1.0]`` `float`, optional Forgetting factor that weights the relative contribution of new samples vs old samples. If 1.0, all samples are weighted equally and, hence, the results is the exact same as performing batch PCA on the concatenated list of old and new simples. If <1.0, more emphasis is put on the new samples. See [1] for details. max_n_components : `int` or ``None``, optional The maximum number of components that the model will keep. If ``None``, then all the components will be kept. verbose : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then information about the progress will be printed. References ---------- .. [1] D. Ross, J. Lim, R.S. Lin, M.H. Yang. "Incremental Learning for Robust Visual Tracking". International Journal on Computer Vision, 2007. """ old_target = aligned_shapes = align_shapes(shapes) self.model.increment(aligned_shapes, n_samples=n_shapes, forgetting_factor=forgetting_factor, verbose=verbose) if max_n_components is not None: self.model.trim_components(max_n_components) # Re-orthonormalize self._construct_similarity_model() # Reset the target given the new models self.set_target(old_target)
def __str__(self): str_out = 'Point Distribution Model with Similarity Transform \n' \ ' - total # components: {}\n' \ ' - # similarity components: {}\n' \ ' - # PCA components: {}\n' \ ' - # active components: {} + {} = {}\n' \ ' - centred: {}\n' \ ' - # features: {}\n' \ ' - kept variance: {:.2} {:.1%}\n' \ ' - noise variance: {:.2} {:.1%}\n' \ ' - components shape: {}\n'.format( self.similarity_model.n_components + self.model.n_components, self.similarity_model.n_components, self.model.n_components, self.similarity_model.n_components, self.n_active_components, self.n_parameters, self.model.centred, self.model.n_features, self.model.variance(), self.model.variance_ratio(), self.model.noise_variance(), self.model.noise_variance_ratio(), self.model.components.shape) return str_out