Source code for menpofit.transform.modeldriven

import numpy as np

from menpo.base import Targetable, Vectorizable
from menpo.shape import PointCloud
from menpo.transform.base import Transform, VComposable, VInvertible

from menpofit.checks import check_model
from menpofit.modelinstance import PDM, GlobalPDM, OrthoPDM
from menpofit.differentiable import DP

# TODO: Should MDT implement VComposable and VInvertible?
class ModelDrivenTransform(Transform, Targetable, Vectorizable,
                           VComposable, VInvertible, DP):
    A transform that couples a traditional landmark-based transform to a
    statistical linear model such that source points of the alignment transform
    are the points of the model. The weights of the transform are just the
    weights of statistical model.

    If no source is provided, the mean of the model is defined as the
    source landmarks of the transform.

    model : :map:`PDM` or `subclass`
        A linear statistical shape model (Point Distribution Model).
    transform_cls : `subclass` of `menpo.transform.Alignment`
        A class of `menpo.transform.Alignment`. The align constructor will be
        called on this with the source and target landmarks. The target is set
        to the points generated from the model using the provide weights - the
        source is either given or set to the model's mean.
    source : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` or ``None``, optional
        The source landmarks of the transform. If ``None``, the mean of the
        model is used.
    def __init__(self, model, transform_cls, source=None):
        # Check the provided model
        check_model(model, PDM)
        # Assign attributes
        self.pdm = model
        self._cached_points, self.dW_dl = None, None
        self.transform = transform_cls(source,

    def n_dims(self):
        The number of dimensions that the transform supports.

        :type: `int`
        return self.pdm.n_dims

    def _apply(self, x, **kwargs):
        Apply this transform to the given object. Uses the internal transform.

        x : ``(N, D)`` `ndarray` or a transformable object
            The object to be transformed.
        kwargs : `dict`
            Passed through to transforms `apply_inplace` method.

        transformed : ``(N, D)`` `ndarray` or object
            The transformed object
        return self.transform._apply(x, **kwargs)

    def target(self):
        The current `menpo.shape.PointCloud` that this object produces.

        :type: `menpo.shape.PointCloud`

    def _target_setter(self, new_target):

    def _new_target_from_state(self):
        # We delegate to PDM to handle all our Targetable duties. As a
        # result, *we* never need to call _sync_target_for_state, so we have
        # no need for an implementation of this method. Of course the
        # interface demands it, so the stub is here. Contrast with
        # _target_setter, which is required, because we will have to handle
        # external calls to set_target().

    def _sync_state_from_target(self):
        # Let the pdm update its state
        # and update our transform to the new state

    def n_parameters(self):
        The total number of parameters.

        :type: `int`
        return self.pdm.n_parameters

    def _as_vector(self):
        Return the current weights of this transform - this is the
        just the linear model's weights

        params : ``(n_parameters,)`` `ndarray`
            The vector of weights
        return self.pdm.as_vector()

    def _from_vector_inplace(self, vector):
        # By here the pdm has updated our target state, we just need to
        # update the transform

    def compose_after_from_vector_inplace(self, delta):
        Composes two transforms together based on the first order approximation
        proposed in [1].

        delta : ``(N,)`` `ndarray`
            Vectorized `ModelDrivenTransform` to be applied **before** self.

        transform : `self`
            self, updated to the result of the composition

        .. [1] G. Papandreou and P. Maragos, "Adaptive and Constrained
            Algorithms for Inverse Compositional Active Appearance Model
            Fitting", Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and
            Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2008.
        # the incremental warp is always evaluated at p=0, ie the mean shape
        points = self.pdm.model.mean().points

        # compute:
        #   - dW/dp when p=0
        #   - dW/dp when p!=0
        #   - dW/dx when p!=0 evaluated at the source landmarks

        # dW/dp when p=0 and when p!=0 are the same and simply given by
        # the Jacobian of the model
        # (n_points, n_params, n_dims)
        dW_dp_0 = self.pdm.d_dp(points)
        # (n_points, n_params, n_dims)
        dW_dp = dW_dp_0

        # (n_points, n_dims, n_dims)
        dW_dx = self.transform.d_dx(points)

        # (n_points, n_params, n_dims)
        dW_dx_dW_dp_0 = np.einsum('ijk, ilk -> eilk', dW_dx, dW_dp_0)

        # (n_params, n_params)
        J = np.einsum('ijk, ilk -> jl', dW_dp, dW_dx_dW_dp_0)
        # (n_params, n_params)
        H = np.einsum('ijk, ilk -> jl', dW_dp, dW_dp)
        # (n_params, n_params)
        Jp = np.linalg.solve(H, J)
        self._from_vector_inplace(self.as_vector() +, delta))

    def has_true_inverse(self):
        Whether the transform has true inverse.

        :type: `bool`
        return False

    def _build_pseudoinverse(self):
        return self.from_vector(-self.as_vector())

    def pseudoinverse_vector(self, vector):
        The vectorized pseudoinverse of a provided vector instance. Syntactic
        sugar for `self.from_vector(vector).pseudoinverse.as_vector()`.
        On `ModelDrivenTransform` this is especially fast - we just negate the
        vector provided.

        vector : ``(P,)`` `ndarray`
            A vectorized version of self

        pseudoinverse_vector : ``(N,)`` `ndarray`
            The pseudoinverse of the vector provided
        return -vector

    def d_dp(self, points):
        The derivative of this `ModelDrivenTransform` with respect to the
        parametrisation changes evaluated at points.

        This is done by chaining the derivative of points wrt the
        source landmarks on the transform (dW/dL) together with the Jacobian
        of the linear model wrt its weights (dX/dp).

        points : ``(n_points, n_dims)`` `ndarray`
            The spatial points at which the derivative should be evaluated.

        d_dp : ``(n_points, n_parameters, n_dims)`` `ndarray`
            The Jacobian with respect to the parametrisation.
        # check if re-computation of dW/dl can be avoided
        if not np.array_equal(self._cached_points, points):
            # recompute dW/dl, the derivative each point wrt
            # the source landmarks
            self.dW_dl = self.transform.d_dl(points)
            # cache points
            self._cached_points = points

        # dX/dp is simply the Jacobian of the PDM
        dX_dp = self.pdm.d_dp(points)

        # PREVIOUS
        # dW_dX:  n_points x n_centres x n_dims
        # dX_dp:  n_centres x n_params x n_dims

        # dW_dl:  n_points x (n_dims) x n_centres x n_dims
        # dX_dp:  (n_points x n_dims) x n_params

        # The following is equivalent to
        # np.einsum('ild, lpd -> ipd', self.dW_dl, dX_dp)
        dW_dp = np.tensordot(self.dW_dl, dX_dp, (1, 0))
        dW_dp = dW_dp.diagonal(axis1=3, axis2=1)

        # dW_dp:  n_points x n_params x n_dims

        return dW_dp

    def Jp(self):
        Compute the parameters' Jacobian, as shown in [1].

        Jp : ``(n_params, n_params)`` `ndarray`
            The parameters' Jacobian.

        .. [1] G. Papandreou and P. Maragos, "Adaptive and Constrained
            Algorithms for Inverse Compositional Active Appearance Model
            Fitting", Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and
            Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2008.
        # the incremental warp is always evaluated at p=0, ie the mean shape
        points = self.pdm.model.mean().points

        # compute:
        #   - dW/dp when p=0
        #   - dW/dp when p!=0
        #   - dW/dx when p!=0 evaluated at the source landmarks

        # dW/dp when p=0 and when p!=0 are the same and simply given by
        # the Jacobian of the model
        # (n_points, n_params, n_dims)
        dW_dp_0 = self.pdm.d_dp(points)
        # (n_points, n_params, n_dims)
        dW_dp = dW_dp_0

        # (n_points, n_dims, n_dims)
        dW_dx = self.transform.d_dx(points)

        # (n_points, n_params, n_dims)
        dW_dx_dW_dp_0 = np.einsum('ijk, ilk -> eilk', dW_dx, dW_dp_0)

        # (n_params, n_params)
        J = np.einsum('ijk, ilk -> jl', dW_dp, dW_dx_dW_dp_0)
        # (n_params, n_params)
        H = np.einsum('ijk, ilk -> jl', dW_dp, dW_dp)
        # (n_params, n_params)
        Jp = np.linalg.solve(H, J)

        return Jp

# noinspection PyMissingConstructor
class GlobalMDTransform(ModelDrivenTransform):
    A transform that couples an alignment transform to a statistical model
    together with a global similarity transform, such that the weights of the
    transform are fully specified by both the weights of statistical model and
    the weights of the similarity transform. The model is assumed to generate an
    instance which is then transformed by the similarity transform; the result
    defines the target landmarks of the transform. If no source is provided,
    the mean of the model is defined as the source landmarks of the transform.

    model : :map:`GlobalPDM` or `subclass`
        A linear statistical shape model (Point Distribution Model) that also
        has a global similarity transform.
    transform_cls : `subclass` of `menpo.transform.Alignment`
        A class of `menpo.transform.Alignment`. The align constructor will be
        called on this with the source and target landmarks. The target is set
        to the points generated from the model using the provide weights - the
        source is either given or set to the model's mean.
    source : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` or ``None``, optional
        The source landmarks of the transform. If ``None``, the mean of the
        model is used.
    def __init__(self, model, transform_cls, source=None):
        # Check the provided model
        check_model(model, GlobalPDM)
        # Assign attributes
        super(GlobalMDTransform, self).__init__(model, transform_cls,

    def compose_after_from_vector_inplace(self, delta):
        Composes two transforms together based on the first order approximation
        proposed in [1].

        delta : ``(N,)`` `ndarray`
            Vectorized `ModelDrivenTransform` to be applied **before** self.

        transform : `self`
            self, updated to the result of the composition

        .. [1] G. Papandreou and P. Maragos, "Adaptive and Constrained
            Algorithms for Inverse Compositional Active Appearance Model
            Fitting", Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and
            Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2008.
        # the incremental warp is always evaluated at p=0, ie the mean shape
        points = self.pdm.model.mean().points

        # compute:
        #   - dW/dp when p=0
        #   - dW/dp when p!=0
        #   - dW/dx when p!=0 evaluated at the source landmarks

        # dW/dq when p=0 and when p!=0 are the same and given by the
        # Jacobian of the global transform evaluated at the mean of the
        # model
        # (n_points, n_global_params, n_dims)
        dW_dq = self.pdm._global_transform_d_dp(points)

        # dW/db when p=0, is the Jacobian of the model
        # (n_points, n_weights, n_dims)
        dW_db_0 = PDM.d_dp(self.pdm, points)

        # dW/dp when p=0, is simply the concatenation of the previous
        # two terms
        # (n_points, n_params, n_dims)
        dW_dp_0 = np.hstack((dW_dq, dW_db_0))

        # by application of the chain rule dW_db when p!=0,
        # is the Jacobian of the global transform wrt the points times
        # the Jacobian of the model: dX(S)/db = dX/dS *  dS/db
        # (n_points, n_dims, n_dims)
        dW_dS = self.pdm.global_transform.d_dx(points)
        # (n_points, n_weights, n_dims)
        dW_db = np.einsum('ilj, idj -> idj', dW_dS, dW_db_0)

        # dW/dp is simply the concatenation of dW_dq with dW_db
        # (n_points, n_params, n_dims)
        dW_dp = np.hstack((dW_dq, dW_db))

        # dW/dx is the jacobian of the transform evaluated at the source
        # landmarks
        # (n_points, n_dims, n_dims)
        dW_dx = self.transform.d_dx(points)

        # (n_points, n_params, n_dims)
        dW_dx_dW_dp_0 = np.einsum('ijk, ilk -> ilk', dW_dx, dW_dp_0)

        # (n_params, n_params)
        J = np.einsum('ijk, ilk -> jl', dW_dp, dW_dx_dW_dp_0)
        # (n_params, n_params)
        H = np.einsum('ijk, ilk -> jl', dW_dp, dW_dp)
        # (n_params, n_params)
        Jp = np.linalg.solve(H, J)

        self._from_vector_inplace(self.as_vector() +, delta))

    def Jp(self):
        Compute the parameters' Jacobian, as shown in [1].

        Jp : ``(n_params, n_params)`` `ndarray`
            The parameters' Jacobian.

        .. [1] G. Papandreou and P. Maragos, "Adaptive and Constrained
            Algorithms for Inverse Compositional Active Appearance Model
            Fitting", Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and
            Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2008.
        # the incremental warp is always evaluated at p=0, ie the mean shape
        points = self.pdm.model.mean().points

        # compute:
        #   - dW/dp when p=0
        #   - dW/dp when p!=0
        #   - dW/dx when p!=0 evaluated at the source landmarks

        # dW/dq when p=0 and when p!=0 are the same and given by the
        # Jacobian of the global transform evaluated at the mean of the
        # model
        # (n_points, n_global_params, n_dims)
        dW_dq = self.pdm._global_transform_d_dp(points)

        # dW/db when p=0, is the Jacobian of the model
        # (n_points, n_weights, n_dims)
        dW_db_0 = PDM.d_dp(self.pdm, points)

        # dW/dp when p=0, is simply the concatenation of the previous
        # two terms
        # (n_points, n_params, n_dims)
        dW_dp_0 = np.hstack((dW_dq, dW_db_0))

        # by application of the chain rule dW_db when p!=0,
        # is the Jacobian of the global transform wrt the points times
        # the Jacobian of the model: dX(S)/db = dX/dS *  dS/db
        # (n_points, n_dims, n_dims)
        dW_dS = self.pdm.global_transform.d_dx(points)
        # (n_points, n_weights, n_dims)
        dW_db = np.einsum('ilj, idj -> idj', dW_dS, dW_db_0)

        # dW/dp is simply the concatenation of dW_dq with dW_db
        # (n_points, n_params, n_dims)
        dW_dp = np.hstack((dW_dq, dW_db))

        # dW/dx is the jacobian of the transform evaluated at the source
        # landmarks
        # (n_points, n_dims, n_dims)
        dW_dx = self.transform.d_dx(points)

        # (n_points, n_params, n_dims)
        dW_dx_dW_dp_0 = np.einsum('ijk, ilk -> ilk', dW_dx, dW_dp_0)

        # (n_params, n_params)
        J = np.einsum('ijk, ilk -> jl', dW_dp, dW_dx_dW_dp_0)
        # (n_params, n_params)
        H = np.einsum('ijk, ilk -> jl', dW_dp, dW_dp)
        # (n_params, n_params)
        Jp = np.linalg.solve(H, J)

        return Jp

[docs]class OrthoMDTransform(GlobalMDTransform): r""" A transform that couples an alignment transform to a statistical model together with a global similarity transform, such that the weights of the transform are fully specified by both the weights of statistical model and the weights of the similarity transform. The model is assumed to generate an instance which is then transformed by the similarity transform; the result defines the target landmarks of the transform. If no source is provided, the mean of the model is defined as the source landmarks of the transform. This transform (in contrast to the :map:`GlobalMDTransform`) additionally orthonormalises both the global and the model basis against each other, ensuring that orthogonality and normalization is enforced across the unified bases. Parameters ---------- model : :map:`OrthoPDM` or `subclass` A linear statistical shape model (Point Distribution Model) that also has a global similarity transform that is orthonormalised with the shape bases. transform_cls : `subclass` of `menpo.transform.Alignment` A class of `menpo.transform.Alignment`. The align constructor will be called on this with the source and target landmarks. The target is set to the points generated from the model using the provide weights - the source is either given or set to the model's mean. source : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` or ``None``, optional The source landmarks of the transform. If ``None``, the mean of the model is used. """ def __init__(self, model, transform_cls, source=None): # Check the provided model check_model(model, OrthoPDM) # Assign attributes super(OrthoMDTransform, self).__init__(model, transform_cls, source=source)
[docs] def pseudoinverse(self): raise NotImplementedError()
# This is pretty hacking - but we basically stole the OrthoPDM's model
[docs]class LinearOrthoMDTransform(OrthoPDM, Transform): r""" A transform that couples an alignment transform to a statistical model together with a global similarity transform, such that the weights of the transform are fully specified by both the weights of statistical model and the weights of the similarity transform. The model is assumed to generate an instance which is then transformed by the similarity transform; the result defines the target landmarks of the transform. If no source is provided, the mean of the model is defined as the source landmarks of the transform. This transform (in contrast to the :map:`GlobalMDTransform`) additionally orthonormalises both the global and the model basis against each other, ensuring that orthogonality and normalization is enforced across the unified bases. This transform (in contrast to the :map:`OrthoMDTransform`) should be used with linear statistical models of dense shapes. Parameters ---------- model : `menpo.model.LinearModel` A linear statistical shape model. sparse_instance : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The source landmarks of the transform. """ def __init__(self, model, sparse_instance): super(LinearOrthoMDTransform, self).__init__(model) self._sparse_instance = sparse_instance self.W = np.vstack((self.similarity_model.components, self.model.components)) V = self.W[:, :self.n_dims*self.n_landmarks] self.pinv_V = np.linalg.pinv(V) @property def n_landmarks(self): r""" The number of sparse landmarks. :type: `int` """ return self._sparse_instance.n_points @property def dense_target(self): r""" The current dense `menpo.shape.PointCloud` that this object produces. :type: `menpo.shape.PointCloud` """ return PointCloud([self.n_landmarks:]) @property def sparse_target(self): r""" The current sparse `menpo.shape.PointCloud` that this object produces. :type: `menpo.shape.PointCloud` """ sparse_target = PointCloud([:self.n_landmarks]) return self._sparse_instance.from_vector(sparse_target.as_vector())
[docs] def set_target(self, target): r""" Update this object so that it attempts to recreate the ``new_target``. Parameters ---------- new_target : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The new target that this object should try and regenerate. """ if target.n_points == self.n_landmarks: # densify target target =, self.pinv_V), self.W) target = PointCloud(np.reshape(target, (-1, self.n_dims))) OrthoPDM.set_target(self, target)
def _apply(self, _, **kwargs): return[self.n_landmarks:]
[docs] def d_dp(self, _): r""" The derivative with respect to the parametrisation changes evaluated at points. Parameters ---------- points : ``(n_points, n_dims)`` `ndarray` The spatial points at which the derivative should be evaluated. Returns ------- d_dp : ``(n_points, n_parameters, n_dims)`` `ndarray` The Jacobian with respect to the parametrisation. """ return OrthoPDM.d_dp(self, _)[self.n_landmarks:, ...]