Source code for menpofit.transform.piecewiseaffine

import numpy as np
from menpo.transform import PiecewiseAffine
from menpofit.differentiable import DL, DX

[docs]class DifferentiablePiecewiseAffine(PiecewiseAffine, DL, DX): r""" A differentiable Piecewise Affine Transformation. This is composed of a number of triangles defined be a set of `source` and `target` vertices. These vertices are related by a common triangle `list`. No limitations on the nature of the triangle `list` are imposed. Points can then be mapped via barycentric coordinates from the `source` to the `target` space. Trying to map points that are not contained by any source triangle throws a `TriangleContainmentError`, which contains diagnostic information. The transform can compute its own derivative with respect to spatial changes, as well as anchor landmark changes. """
[docs] def d_dl(self, points): r""" The derivative of the warp with respect to spatial changes in anchor landmark points or centres, evaluated at points. Parameters ---------- points : ``(n_points, n_dims)`` `ndarray` The spatial points at which the derivative should be evaluated. Returns ------- d_dl : ``(n_points, n_centres, n_dims)`` `ndarray` The Jacobian wrt landmark changes. ``d_dl[i, k, m]`` is the scalar differential change that the any dimension of the ``i``'th point experiences due to a first order change in the ``m``'th dimension of the ``k``'th landmark point. Note that at present this assumes that the change in every dimension is equal. """ tri_index, alpha_i, beta_i = self.index_alpha_beta(points) # for the jacobian we only need # gamma = 1 - alpha - beta # for each vertex (i, j, & k) # gamma is the 'far edge' weighting wrt the vertex in question. # given gamma implicitly for the first vertex in our trilist, # we can permute around to get the others. (e.g. rotate CW around # the triangle to get the j'th vertex-as-prime variant, # and once again to the kth). # # alpha_j = 1 - alpha_i - beta_i # gamma_j = alpha_i # gamma_k = beta_i # # TODO this ordering is empirically correct but I don't know why.. # # we stack all the gamma's together # so gamma_ijk.shape = (n_sample_points, 3) gamma_ijk = np.hstack(((1 - alpha_i - beta_i)[:, None], alpha_i[:, None], beta_i[:, None])) # the jacobian wrt source is of shape # (n_sample_points, n_source_points, 2) jac = np.zeros((points.shape[0], self.n_points, 2)) # per sample point, find the source points for the ijk vertices of # the containing triangle - only these points will get a non 0 # jacobian value ijk_per_point = self.trilist[tri_index] # to index into the jacobian, we just need a linear iterator for the # first axis - literally [0, 1, ... , n_sample_points]. The # reshape is needed to make it broadcastable with the other indexing # term, ijk_per_point. linear_iterator = np.arange(points.shape[0]).reshape((-1, 1)) # in one line, we are done. jac[linear_iterator, ijk_per_point] = gamma_ijk[..., None] return jac
[docs] def d_dx(self, points): r""" The first order derivative of the warp with respect to spatial changes evaluated at points. Parameters ---------- points : ``(n_points, n_dims)`` `ndarray` The spatial points at which the derivative should be evaluated. Returns ------- d_dx : ``(n_points, n_dims, n_dims)`` `ndarray` The Jacobian wrt spatial changes. ``d_dx[i, j, k]`` is the scalar differential change that the ``j``'th dimension of the ``i``'th point experiences due to a first order change in the ``k``'th dimension. It may be the case that the Jacobian is constant across space - in this case axis zero may have length ``1`` to allow for broadcasting. Raises ------ TriangleContainmentError: If any point is outside any triangle of this PWA. """ # TODO check for position and return true d_dx (see docstring) # for the time being we assume the points are on the source landmarks return np.eye(2, 2)[None, ...]