Source code for menpofit.transform.thinsplatesplines

import numpy as np

from menpo.transform import ThinPlateSplines

from menpofit.differentiable import DL, DX

from .rbf import DifferentiableR2LogR2RBF

[docs]class DifferentiableThinPlateSplines(ThinPlateSplines, DL, DX): r""" The Thin Plate Splines (TPS) alignment between 2D `source` and `target` landmarks. The transform can compute its own derivative with respect to spatial changes, as well as anchor landmark changes. Parameters ---------- source : ``(N, 2)`` `ndarray` The source points to apply the tps from target : ``(N, 2)`` `ndarray` The target points to apply the tps to kernel : `class` or ``None``, optional The differentiable kernel to apply. Possible options are :map:`DifferentiableR2LogRRBF` and :map:`DifferentiableR2LogR2RBF`. If ``None``, then :map:`DifferentiableR2LogR2RBF` is used. """ def __init__(self, source, target, kernel=None): if kernel is None: kernel = DifferentiableR2LogR2RBF(source.points) ThinPlateSplines.__init__(self, source, target, kernel=kernel)
[docs] def d_dl(self, points): """ Calculates the Jacobian of the TPS warp wrt to the source landmarks assuming that he target is equal to the source. This is a special case of the Jacobian wrt to the source landmarks that is used in AAMs to weight the relative importance of each pixel in the reference frame wrt to each one of the source landmarks. dW_dl = dOmega_dl * k(points) = T * d_L**-1_dl * k(points) = T * -L**-1 dL_dl L**-1 * k(points) # per point (c, d) = (d, c+3) (c+3, c+3) (c+3, c+3, c, d) (c+3, c+3) (c+3) (c, d) = (d, c+3) (c+3, c+3, c, d) (c+3,) (c, d) = (d, ) ( c, d) (c, d) = ( ) ( c, d) Parameters ---------- points : ``(n_points, n_dims)`` `ndarray` The spatial points at which the derivative should be evaluated. Returns ------- dW/dl : (n_points, n_params, n_dims) ndarray The Jacobian of the transform wrt to the source landmarks evaluated at the previous points and assuming that the target is equal to the source. """ n_centres = self.n_points n_points = points.shape[0] # TPS kernel (nonlinear + affine) # for each input, evaluate the rbf # (n_points, n_centres) k_points = self.kernel.apply(points) # k_points with (1, x, y) appended to each point # (n_points, n_centres+3) - 3 is (1, x, y) for affine component k = np.hstack([k_points, np.ones([n_points, 1]), points]) # (n_centres+3, n_centres+3) try: inv_L = np.linalg.inv(self.l) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: # If two points are coincident, or very close to being so, then the # matrix is rank deficient and thus not-invertible. Therefore, # only take the inverse on the full-rank set of indices. _u, _s, _v = np.linalg.svd(self.l) keep = _s.shape[0] - sum(_s < self.min_singular_val) inv_L = _u[:, :keep].dot(1.0 / _s[:keep, None] * _v[:keep, :]) # Taking the derivative of L for changes in l must yield an x,y change # for each centre. # (n_centres+3, n_centres+3, n_centres, n_dims) dL_dl = np.zeros(self.l.shape + (n_centres, 2)) # take the derivative of the kernel wrt centres at the centres # SHOULD be (n_centres, n_dims, n_centres, n_dims) # IS (n_centres, n_centres, n_dims dK_dl_at_tgt = self.kernel.d_dl(self.source.points) # we want to build a tensor where for each slice where # dK_dl[i, j, k, l] is the derivative wrt the l'th dimension of the # i'th centre for L[j, k] -> first axis is just looping over centres # and last looping over dims # (n_centres, n_centres, n_centres, n_dims) dK_dl = np.zeros((n_centres, ) + dK_dl_at_tgt.shape) # make a linear iterator over the centres iter = np.arange(n_centres) # efficiently build the repeated pattern for dK_dl # note that the repetition over centres happens over axis 0 # and the dims axis is the last # so dK_dl[0, ..., 0] corresponds to dK/dx0 in Joan's paper # dK_dl[3, ..., 1] corresponds to dK_dy3 in Joan's paper dK_dl[iter, iter] = dK_dl_at_tgt[iter] dK_dl[iter, :, iter] = dK_dl_at_tgt[:, iter] # prepare memory for the answer # SHOULD be (n_points, n_dims, n_centres, n_dims) # IS (n_points, , n_centres, n_dims) dW_dl = np.zeros((n_points, n_centres, 2)) # pretend the target is equal to the source # (n_dims, n_centres+3) pseudo_target = np.hstack([self.source.points.T, np.zeros([2, 3])]) for i in np.arange(n_centres): # dP_dli (n_centres, n_points, n_dims, n_dims) dP_dli = np.zeros(self.p.shape + (2,)) dP_dli[i, 1, 0] = -1 dP_dli[i, 2, 1] = -1 dL_dl[:n_centres, :n_centres, i] = dK_dl[i] dL_dl[:n_centres, n_centres:, i] = dP_dli dL_dl[n_centres:, :n_centres, i] = np.swapaxes(dP_dli, 0, 1) omega_x =[..., i, 0].dot(inv_L)) omega_y =[..., i, 1].dot(inv_L)) dW_dl[:, i, 0] =[0]) dW_dl[:, i, 1] =[1]) return dW_dl
[docs] def d_dx(self, points): r""" The first order derivative of this TPS warp wrt spatial changes evaluated at points. Parameters ---------- points : ``(n_points, n_dims)`` `ndarray` The spatial points at which the derivative should be evaluated. Returns ------- d_dx : ``(n_points, n_dims, n_dims)`` `ndarray` The Jacobian wrt spatial changes. ``d_dx[i, j, k]`` is the scalar differential change that the ``j``'th dimension of the ``i``'th point experiences due to a first order change in the ``k``'th dimension. It may be the case that the Jacobian is constant across space - in this case axis zero may have length ``1`` to allow for broadcasting. """ dk_dx = np.zeros((points.shape[0] + 3, # i self.source.n_points, # k self.source.n_dims)) # l dk_dx[:-3, :] = self.kernel.d_dl(points) affine_derivative = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1]]) dk_dx[-3:, :] = affine_derivative[:, None] return np.einsum('ij, ikl -> klj', self.coefficients, dk_dx)