Source code for menpofit.unified_aam_clm.fitter

from menpo.base import name_of_callable
from menpofit import checks
from menpofit.fitter import MultiScaleParametricFitter

from .algorithm import AlternatingRegularisedLandmarkMeanShift
from .result import UnifiedAAMCLMResult

[docs]class UnifiedAAMCLMFitter(MultiScaleParametricFitter): r""" Class defining a Unified AAM - CLM fitter. .. note:: When using a method with a parametric shape model, the first step is to **reconstruct the initial shape** using the shape model. The generated reconstructed shape is then used as initialisation for the iterative optimisation. This step takes place at each scale and it is not considered as an iteration, thus it is not counted for the provided `max_iters`. Parameters ---------- unified_aam_clm : :map:`UnifiedAAMCLM` or subclass The trained unified AAM-CLM model. algorithm_cls : `class`, optional The unified optimisation algorithm that will get applied. The possible algorithms are: ============================================== ===================== Class Method ============================================== ===================== :map:`ProjectOutRegularisedLandmarkMeanShift` Project-Out IC + RLMS :map:`AlternatingRegularisedLandmarkMeanShift` Alternating IC + RLMS ============================================== ===================== n_shape : `int` or `float` or `list` of those or ``None``, optional The number of shape components that will be used. If `int`, then it defines the exact number of active components. If `float`, then it defines the percentage of variance to keep. If `int` or `float`, then the provided value will be applied for all scales. If `list`, then it defines a value per scale. If ``None``, then all the available components will be used. Note that this simply sets the active components without trimming the unused ones. Also, the available components may have already been trimmed to `max_shape_components` during training. n_appearance : `int` or `float` or `list` of those or ``None``, optional The number of appearance components that will be used. If `int`, then it defines the exact number of active components. If `float`, then it defines the percentage of variance to keep. If `int` or `float`, then the provided value will be applied for all scales. If `list`, then it defines a value per scale. If ``None``, then all the available components will be used. Note that this simply sets the active components without trimming the unused ones. Also, the available components may have already been trimmed to `max_appearance_components` during training. sampling : `list` of `int` or `ndarray` or ``None`` It defines a sampling mask per scale. If `int`, then it defines the sub-sampling step of the sampling mask. If `ndarray`, then it explicitly defines the sampling mask. If ``None``, then no sub-sampling is applied. """ def __init__(self, unified_aam_clm, algorithm_cls=AlternatingRegularisedLandmarkMeanShift, n_shape=None, n_appearance=None, sampling=None): self._model = unified_aam_clm # Check parameters checks.set_models_components(self._model.shape_models, n_shape) checks.set_models_components(self._model.appearance_models, n_appearance) self._sampling = checks.check_sampling(sampling, self._model.n_scales) # Get list of algorithm objects per scale interfaces = unified_aam_clm.build_fitter_interfaces(self._sampling) algorithms = [algorithm_cls(interface, self._model.expert_ensembles[k], self._model.patch_shape[k], self._model.response_covariance) for k, interface in enumerate(interfaces)] # Call superclass super(UnifiedAAMCLMFitter, self).__init__( scales=self._model.scales, reference_shape=self._model.reference_shape, holistic_features=self._model.holistic_features, algorithms=algorithms) @property def unified_aam_clm(self): r""" The trained unified AAM-CLM model. :type: :map:`UnifiedAAMCLM` or `subclass` """ return self._model
[docs] def appearance_reconstructions(self, appearance_parameters, n_iters_per_scale): r""" Method that generates the appearance reconstructions given a set of appearance parameters. This is to be combined with a :map:`UnifiedAAMCLMResult` object, in order to generate the appearance reconstructions of a fitting procedure. Parameters ---------- appearance_parameters : `list` of ``(n_params,)`` `ndarray` A set of appearance parameters per fitting iteration. It can be retrieved as a property of an :map:`UnifiedAAMCLMResult` object. n_iters_per_scale : `list` of `int` The number of iterations per scale. This is necessary in order to figure out which appearance parameters correspond to the model of each scale. It can be retrieved as a property of a :map:`UnifiedAAMCLMResult` object. Returns ------- appearance_reconstructions : `list` of `menpo.image.Image` `List` of the appearance reconstructions that correspond to the provided parameters. """ return self.unified_aam_clm.appearance_reconstructions( appearance_parameters=appearance_parameters, n_iters_per_scale=n_iters_per_scale)
[docs] def warped_images(self, image, shapes): r""" Given an input test image and a list of shapes, it warps the image into the shapes. This is useful for generating the warped images of a fitting procedure stored within an :map:`UnifiedAAMCLMResult`. Parameters ---------- image : `menpo.image.Image` or `subclass` The input image to be warped. shapes : `list` of `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The list of shapes in which the image will be warped. The shapes are obtained during the iterations of a fitting procedure. Returns ------- warped_images : `list` of `menpo.image.MaskedImage` or `ndarray` The warped images. """ return self.algorithms[-1].interface.warped_images(image=image, shapes=shapes)
@property def response_covariance(self): r""" Returns the covariance value of the desired Gaussian response used to train the ensemble of experts. :type: `int` """ return self._model.response_covariance def _fitter_result(self, image, algorithm_results, affine_transforms, scale_transforms, gt_shape=None): r""" Function the creates the multi-scale fitting result object. Parameters ---------- image : `menpo.image.Image` or subclass The image that was fitted. algorithm_results : `list` of :map:`AAMAlgorithmResult` or subclass The list of fitting result per scale. affine_transforms : `list` of `menpo.transform.Affine` The list of affine transforms per scale that are the inverses of the transformations introduced by the rescale wrt the reference shape as well as the feature extraction. scale_transforms : `list` of `menpo.shape.Scale` The list of inverse scaling transforms per scale. gt_shape : `menpo.shape.PointCloud`, optional The ground truth shape associated to the image. Returns ------- fitting_result : :map:`UnifiedAAMCLMResult` or subclass The multi-scale fitting result containing the result of the fitting procedure. """ return UnifiedAAMCLMResult( results=algorithm_results, scales=self.scales, affine_transforms=affine_transforms, scale_transforms=scale_transforms, image=image, gt_shape=gt_shape) def __str__(self): # Compute scale info strings scales_info = [] lvl_str_tmplt = r""" - Scale {} - {} active shape components - {} similarity transform components - {} active appearance components""" for k, s in enumerate(self.scales): scales_info.append(lvl_str_tmplt.format( s, self._model.shape_models[k].model.n_active_components, self._model.shape_models[k].n_global_parameters, self._model.appearance_models[k].n_active_components)) scales_info = '\n'.join(scales_info) cls_str = r"""{class_title} - Scales: {scales} {scales_info} """.format(class_title=name_of_callable(self.algorithms[0]), scales=self.scales, scales_info=scales_info) return self._model.__str__() + cls_str