Source code for menpofit.visualize.textutils

from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np

from menpo.visualize import print_progress as menpo_print_progress

[docs]def statistics_table(errors, method_names, auc_max_error, auc_error_step, auc_min_error=0., stats_types=None, stats_names=None, sort_by=None, precision=4): r""" Function that generates a table with statistical measures on the fitting results of various methods using pandas. It supports multiple types of statistical measures. **Note that the returned object is a pandas table which can be further converted to Latex tabular or simply a string.** See the examples for more details. Parameters ---------- errors : `list` of `list` of `float` A `list` that contains `lists` of `float` with the errors per method. method_names : `list` of `str` The `list` with the names that will appear for each method. Note that it must have the same length as `errors`. auc_max_error : `float` The maximum error value for computing the area under the curve. auc_error_step : `float` The sampling step of the error bins for computing the area under the curve. auc_min_error : `float`, optional The minimum error value for computing the area under the curve. stats_types : `list` of `str` or ``None``, optional The types of statistical measures to compute. Possible options are: ======== ======================================================== Value Description ======== ======================================================== `mean` The mean value of the errors. `std` The standard deviation of the errors. `median` The median value of the errors. `mad` The median absolute deviation of the errors. `max` The max value of the errors. `auc` The area under the curve based on the CED of the errors. `fr` The failure rate (percentage of images that failed). ======== ======================================================== If ``None``, then all of them will be used with the above order. stats_names : `list` of `str`, optional The `list` with the names that will appear for each statistical measure type selected in `stats_types`. Note that it must have the same length as `stats_types`. sort_by : `str` or ``None``, optional The column to use for sorting the methods. If ``None``, then no sorting is performed and the methods will appear in the provided order of `method_names`. Possible options are: ======== ======================================================== Value Description ======== ======================================================== `mean` The mean value of the errors. `std` The standard deviation of the errors. `median` The median value of the errors. `mad` The median absolute deviation of the errors. `max` The max value of the errors. `auc` The area under the curve based on the CED of the errors. `fr` The failure rate (percentage of images that failed). ======== ======================================================== precision : `int`, optional The precision of the reported values, i.e. the number of decimals. Raises ------ ValueError stat_type must be selected from [mean, std, median, mad, max, auc, fr] ValueError sort_by must be selected from [mean, std, median, mad, max, auc, fr] ValueError stats_types and stats_names must have the same length Returns ------- table : `pandas.DataFrame` The pandas table. It can be further converted to various format, such as Latex tabular or `str`. Examples -------- Let us create some errors for 3 methods sampled from Normal distributions with different mean and standard deviations: :: import numpy as np from menpofit.visualize import statistics_table method_names = ['Method_1', 'Method_2', 'Method_3'] errors = [list(np.random.normal(0.07, 0.02, 400)), list(np.random.normal(0.06, 0.03, 400)), list(np.random.normal(0.08, 0.04, 400))] We can create a pandas `DataFrame` as: :: tab = statistics_table(errors, method_names, auc_max_error=0.1, auc_error_step=0.001, sort_by='auc') tab Pandas offers excellent functionalities. For example, the table can be converted to an `str` as: :: print(tab.to_string()) or to a Latex tabular as: :: print(tab.to_latex()) """ from menpofit.error import compute_statistical_measures import pandas as pn # Make sure errors is a list of lists if not isinstance(errors[0], list): errors = [errors] # Compute statistics means, stds, medians, mads, maxs, aucs, frs = compute_statistical_measures( errors, step_error=auc_error_step, max_error=auc_max_error, min_error=auc_min_error) # Check stats types supported_types = ['mean', 'std', 'median', 'mad', 'max', 'auc', 'fr'] if stats_types is None: stats_types = supported_types # Check stats names if stats_names is None: stats_names = stats_types # Check stats_types and stats_names lists if len(stats_types) != len(stats_names): raise ValueError('stats_types and stats_names must have the same ' 'length') # Create data dict data = OrderedDict() for stat_type, stat_name in zip(stats_types, stats_names): if stat_type not in supported_types: raise ValueError('stat_type must be selected from [mean, std, ' 'median, mad, max, auc, fr]') if stat_type == 'mean': data[stat_name] = np.array(means) if stat_type == 'std': data[stat_name] = np.array(stds) if stat_type == 'median': data[stat_name] = np.array(medians) if stat_type == 'mad': data[stat_name] = np.array(mads) if stat_type == 'max': data[stat_name] = np.array(maxs) if stat_type == 'auc': data[stat_name] = np.array(aucs) if stat_type == 'fr': data[stat_name] = np.array(frs) # Create pandas table tab = pn.DataFrame(data, index=method_names) # Sort table ascending = True if sort_by is not None: if sort_by not in stats_types: raise ValueError('sort_by must be selected from [mean, std, ' 'median, mad, max, auc, fr]') if sort_by == 'auc': ascending = False tab.sort_values(by=stats_names[stats_types.index(sort_by)], inplace=True, ascending=ascending) # Set precision pn.set_option('precision', precision) return tab