Source code for menpofit.sdm.fitter

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from functools import partial
import warnings

from menpo.feature import no_op
from menpo.base import name_of_callable

from menpofit.visualize import print_progress
from menpofit.base import batch
from menpofit.builder import (scale_images, rescale_images_to_reference_shape,
                              compute_reference_shape, MenpoFitBuilderWarning,
from menpofit.fitter import (MultiScaleNonParametricFitter,
import menpofit.checks as checks

from .algorithm import NonParametricNewton

[docs]class SupervisedDescentFitter(MultiScaleNonParametricFitter): r""" Class for training a multi-scale Supervised Descent model. Parameters ---------- images : `list` of `menpo.image.Image` The `list` of training images. group : `str` or ``None``, optional The landmark group that corresponds to the ground truth shape of each image. If ``None`` and the images only have a single landmark group, then that is the one that will be used. Note that all the training images need to have the specified landmark group. bounding_box_group_glob : `glob` or ``None``, optional Glob that defines the bounding boxes to be used for training. If ``None``, then the bounding boxes of the ground truth shapes are used. sd_algorithm_cls : `class`, optional The Supervised Descent algorithm to be used. The possible algorithms are are separated in the following four categories: **Non-parametric:** ===================================== ============================== Class Regression ===================================== ============================== :map:`NonParametricNewton` :map:`IRLRegression` :map:`NonParametricGaussNewton` :map:`IIRLRegression` :map:`NonParametricPCRRegression` :map:`PCRRegression` :map:`NonParametricOptimalRegression` :map:`OptimalLinearRegression` :map:`NonParametricOPPRegression` :map:`OPPRegression` ===================================== ============================== **Parametric shape:** ======================================= =================================== Class Regression ======================================= =================================== :map:`ParametricShapeNewton` :map:`IRLRegression` :map:`ParametricShapeGaussNewton` :map:`IIRLRegression` :map:`ParametricShapePCRRegression` :map:`PCRRegression` :map:`ParametricShapeOptimalRegression` :map:`OptimalLinearRegression` :map:`ParametricShapeOPPRegression` :map:`ParametricShapeOPPRegression` ======================================= =================================== **Parametric appearance:** ================================================== ===================== Class Regression ================================================== ===================== :map:`ParametricAppearanceProjectOutNewton` :map:`IRLRegression` :map:`ParametricAppearanceProjectOutGuassNewton` :map:`IIRLRegression` :map:`ParametricAppearanceMeanTemplateNewton` :map:`IRLRegression` :map:`ParametricAppearanceMeanTemplateGuassNewton` :map:`IIRLRegression` :map:`ParametricAppearanceWeightsNewton` :map:`IRLRegression` :map:`ParametricAppearanceWeightsGuassNewton` :map:`IIRLRegression` ================================================== ===================== **Parametric shape and appearance:** =========================================== ===================== Class Regression =========================================== ===================== :map:`FullyParametricProjectOutNewton` :map:`IRLRegression` :map:`FullyParametricProjectOutGaussNewton` :map:`IIRLRegression` :map:`FullyParametricMeanTemplateNewton` :map:`IRLRegression` :map:`FullyParametricWeightsNewton` :map:`IRLRegression` :map:`FullyParametricProjectOutOPP` :map:`OPPRegression` =========================================== ===================== reference_shape : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` or ``None``, optional The reference shape that will be used for normalising the size of the training images. The normalization is performed by rescaling all the training images so that the scale of their ground truth shapes matches the scale of the reference shape. Note that the reference shape is rescaled with respect to the `diagonal` before performing the normalisation. If ``None``, then the mean shape will be used. diagonal : `int` or ``None``, optional This parameter is used to rescale the reference shape so that the diagonal of its bounding box matches the provided value. In other words, this parameter controls the size of the model at the highest scale. If ``None``, then the reference shape does not get rescaled. holistic_features : `closure` or `list` of `closure`, optional The features that will be extracted from the training images. Note that the features are extracted before warping the images to the reference shape. If `list`, then it must define a feature function per scale. Please refer to `menpo.feature` for a list of potential features. patch_features : `closure` or `list` of `closure`, optional The features that will be extracted from the patches of the training images. Note that, as opposed to `holistic_features`, these features are extracted after extracting the patches. If `list`, then it must define a feature function per scale. Please refer to `menpo.feature` and `menpofit.feature` for a list of potential features. patch_shape : (`int`, `int`) or `list` of (`int`, `int`), optional The shape of the patches to be extracted. If a `list` is provided, then it defines a patch shape per scale. scales : `float` or `tuple` of `float`, optional The scale value of each scale. They must provided in ascending order, i.e. from lowest to highest scale. If `float`, then a single scale is assumed. n_iterations : `int` or `list` of `int`, optional The number of iterations (cascades) of each level. If `list`, it must specify a value per scale. If `int`, then it defines the total number of iterations (cascades) over all scales. n_perturbations : `int`, optional The number of perturbations to be generated from each of the bounding boxes using `perturb_from_gt_bounding_box`. perturb_from_gt_bounding_box : `callable`, optional The function that will be used to generate the perturbations from each of the bounding boxes. batch_size : `int` or ``None``, optional If an `int` is provided, then the training is performed in an incremental fashion on image batches of size equal to the provided value. If ``None``, then the training is performed directly on the all the images. verbose : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then the progress of the training will be printed. References ---------- .. [1] X. Xiong, and F. De la Torre. "Supervised Descent Method and its applications to face alignment", Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2013. .. [2] P. N. Belhumeur, D. W. Jacobs, D. J. Kriegman, and N. Kumar. "Localizing parts of faces using a consensus of exemplars", Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2011. """ def __init__(self, images, group=None, bounding_box_group_glob=None, sd_algorithm_cls=None, reference_shape=None, diagonal=None, holistic_features=no_op, patch_features=no_op, patch_shape=(17, 17), scales=(0.5, 1.0), n_iterations=3, n_perturbations=30, perturb_from_gt_bounding_box=noisy_shape_from_bounding_box, batch_size=None, verbose=False): if batch_size is not None: raise NotImplementedError('Training an SDM with a batch size ' '(incrementally) is not implemented yet.') # Check parameters checks.check_diagonal(diagonal) scales = checks.check_scales(scales) n_scales = len(scales) patch_features = checks.check_callable(patch_features, n_scales) sd_algorithm_cls = checks.check_callable(sd_algorithm_cls, n_scales) holistic_features = checks.check_callable(holistic_features, n_scales) patch_shape = checks.check_patch_shape(patch_shape, n_scales) # Call superclass super(SupervisedDescentFitter, self).__init__( scales=scales, reference_shape=reference_shape, holistic_features=holistic_features, algorithms=[]) # Set parameters self._sd_algorithm_cls = sd_algorithm_cls self.patch_features = patch_features self.patch_shape = patch_shape self.diagonal = diagonal self.n_perturbations = n_perturbations self.n_iterations = checks.check_max_iters(n_iterations, n_scales) self._perturb_from_gt_bounding_box = perturb_from_gt_bounding_box # Set up algorithms self._setup_algorithms() # Now, train the model! self._train(images, increment=False, group=group, bounding_box_group_glob=bounding_box_group_glob, verbose=verbose, batch_size=batch_size) def _setup_algorithms(self): self.algorithms = [self._sd_algorithm_cls[j]( patch_features=self.patch_features[j], patch_shape=self.patch_shape[j], n_iterations=self.n_iterations[j]) for j in range(self.n_scales)] def _train(self, images, increment=False, group=None, bounding_box_group_glob=None, verbose=False, batch_size=None): # If batch_size is not None, then we may have a generator, else we # assume we have a list. if batch_size is not None: # Create a generator of fixed sized batches. Will still work even # on an infinite list. image_batches = batch(images, batch_size) else: image_batches = [list(images)] for k, image_batch in enumerate(image_batches): if k == 0: if self.reference_shape is None: # If no reference shape was given, use the mean of the first # batch if batch_size is not None: warnings.warn('No reference shape was provided. The ' 'mean of the first batch will be the ' 'reference shape. If the batch mean is ' 'not representative of the true mean, ' 'this may cause issues.', MenpoFitBuilderWarning) self._reference_shape = compute_reference_shape( [i.landmarks[group].lms for i in image_batch], self.diagonal, verbose=verbose) # We set landmarks on the images to archive the perturbations, so # when the default 'None' is used, we need to grab the actual # label to sort out the ambiguity if group is None: group = image_batch[0].landmarks.group_labels[0] # After the first batch, we are incrementing the model if k > 0: increment = True if verbose: print('Computing batch {}'.format(k)) # Train each batch self._train_batch( image_batch, increment=increment, group=group, bounding_box_group_glob=bounding_box_group_glob, verbose=verbose) def _train_batch(self, image_batch, increment=False, group=None, bounding_box_group_glob=None, verbose=False): # Rescale images wrt the scale factor between the existing # reference_shape and their ground truth (group) shapes image_batch = rescale_images_to_reference_shape( image_batch, group, self.reference_shape, verbose=verbose) # Create a callable that generates perturbations of the bounding boxes # of the provided images. generated_bb_func = generate_perturbations_from_gt( image_batch, self.n_perturbations, self._perturb_from_gt_bounding_box, gt_group=group, bb_group_glob=bounding_box_group_glob, verbose=verbose) # For each scale (low --> high) for j in range(self.n_scales): # Print progress if asked if verbose: if len(self.scales) > 1: scale_prefix = ' - Scale {}: '.format(j) else: scale_prefix = ' - ' else: scale_prefix = None # Extract features. Features are extracted only if we are at the # first scale or if the features of the current scale are different # than the ones extracted at the previous scale. if j == 0 and self.holistic_features[j] == no_op: # Saves a lot of memory feature_images = image_batch elif (j == 0 or self.holistic_features[j] != self.holistic_features[j - 1]): # Compute features only if this is the first pass through # the loop or the features at this scale are different from # the features at the previous scale feature_images = compute_features(image_batch, self.holistic_features[j], prefix=scale_prefix, verbose=verbose) # Rescale images according to scales. Note that scale_images is smart # enough in order not to rescale the images if the current scale # factor equals to 1. scaled_images, scale_transforms = scale_images( feature_images, self.scales[j], prefix=scale_prefix, return_transforms=True, verbose=verbose) # Extract scaled ground truth shapes for current scale scaled_shapes = [i.landmarks[group].lms for i in scaled_images] # Get shape estimations of current scale. If we are at the first # scale, this is done by aligning the reference shape with the # perturbed bounding boxes. If we are at the rest of the scales, # then the current shapes are attached on the scaled_images with # key '__sdm_current_shape_{}'. current_shapes = [] if j == 0: # At the first scale, the current shapes are created by aligning # the reference shape to the perturbed bounding boxes. msg = '{}Aligning reference shape with bounding boxes.'.format( scale_prefix) wrap = partial(print_progress, prefix=msg, end_with_newline=False, verbose=verbose) # Extract perturbations at the very bottom level for ii in wrap(scaled_images): c_shapes = [] for bbox in generated_bb_func(ii): c_s = align_shape_with_bounding_box( self.reference_shape, bbox) c_shapes.append(c_s) current_shapes.append(c_shapes) else: # At the rest of the scales, extract the current shapes that # were attached to the images msg = '{}Extracting shape estimations from previous ' \ 'scale.'.format(scale_prefix) wrap = partial(print_progress, prefix=msg, end_with_newline=False, verbose=verbose) for ii in wrap(scaled_images): c_shapes = [] for k in list(range(self.n_perturbations)): c_key = '__sdm_current_shape_{}'.format(k) c_shapes.append(ii.landmarks[c_key].lms) current_shapes.append(c_shapes) # Train supervised descent algorithm. This returns the shape # estimations for the next scale. if not increment: current_shapes = self.algorithms[j].train( scaled_images, scaled_shapes, current_shapes, prefix=scale_prefix, verbose=verbose) else: current_shapes = self.algorithms[j].increment( scaled_images, scaled_shapes, current_shapes, prefix=scale_prefix, verbose=verbose) # Scale the current shape estimations for the next level. This # doesn't have to be done for the last scale. The only thing we need # to do at the last scale is to remove any attached landmarks from # the training images. if j < (self.n_scales - 1): if self.holistic_features[j + 1] != self.holistic_features[j]: # Features will be extracted, thus attach current_shapes on # the training images (image_batch) for jj, image_shapes in enumerate(current_shapes): for k, shape in enumerate(image_shapes): c_key = '__sdm_current_shape_{}'.format(k) image_batch[jj].landmarks[c_key] = \ scale_transforms[jj].apply(shape) else: # Features won't be extracted;. the same feature_images will # be used for the next scale, thus attach current_shapes on # them. for jj, image_shapes in enumerate(current_shapes): for k, shape in enumerate(image_shapes): c_key = '__sdm_current_shape_{}'.format(k) feature_images[jj].landmarks[c_key] = \ scale_transforms[jj].apply(shape) else: # Check if original training image (image_batch) got some current # shape estimations attached. If yes, delete them. if '__sdm_current_shape_0' in image_batch[0].landmarks: for image in image_batch: for k in list(range(self.n_perturbations)): c_key = '__sdm_current_shape_{}'.format(k) del image.landmarks[c_key]
[docs] def increment(self, images, group=None, bounding_box_group_glob=None, verbose=False, batch_size=None): r""" Method to increment the trained SDM with a new set of training images. Parameters ---------- images : `list` of `menpo.image.Image` The `list` of training images. group : `str` or ``None``, optional The landmark group that corresponds to the ground truth shape of each image. If ``None`` and the images only have a single landmark group, then that is the one that will be used. Note that all the training images need to have the specified landmark group. bounding_box_group_glob : `glob` or ``None``, optional Glob that defines the bounding boxes to be used for training. If ``None``, then the bounding boxes of the ground truth shapes are used. verbose : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then the progress of training will be printed. batch_size : `int` or ``None``, optional If an `int` is provided, then the training is performed in an incremental fashion on image batches of size equal to the provided value. If ``None``, then the training is performed directly on the all the images. """ raise NotImplementedError('Incrementing SDM methods is not yet ' 'implemented as careful attention must ' 'be taken when considering the relationships ' 'between cascade levels.')
def _fitter_result(self, image, algorithm_results, affine_transforms, scale_transforms, gt_shape=None): r""" Function the creates the multi-scale fitting result object. Parameters ---------- image : `menpo.image.Image` or subclass The image that was fitted. algorithm_results : `list` of :map:`NonParametricIterativeResult` or subclass The list of fitting result per scale. affine_transforms : `list` of `menpo.transform.Affine` The list of affine transforms per scale that are the inverses of the transformations introduced by the rescale wrt the reference shape as well as the feature extraction. scale_transforms : `list` of `menpo.shape.Scale` The list of inverse scaling transforms per scale. gt_shape : `menpo.shape.PointCloud`, optional The ground truth shape associated to the image. Returns ------- fitting_result : :map:`MultiScaleNonParametricIterativeResult` or subclass The multi-scale fitting result containing the result of the fitting procedure. """ return self.algorithms[0]._multi_scale_fitter_result( results=algorithm_results, scales=self.scales, affine_transforms=affine_transforms, scale_transforms=scale_transforms, image=image, gt_shape=gt_shape) def __str__(self): if self.diagonal is not None: diagonal = self.diagonal else: y, x = self.reference_shape.range() diagonal = np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2) is_custom_perturb_func = (self._perturb_from_gt_bounding_box != noisy_shape_from_bounding_box) if is_custom_perturb_func: is_custom_perturb_func = name_of_callable( self._perturb_from_gt_bounding_box) regressor_cls = self.algorithms[0]._regressor_cls # Compute scale info strings scales_info = [] lvl_str_tmplt = r""" - Scale {} - {} iterations - Patch shape: {} - Holistic feature: {} - Patch feature: {}""" for k, s in enumerate(self.scales): scales_info.append(lvl_str_tmplt.format( s, self.n_iterations[k], self.patch_shape[k], name_of_callable(self.holistic_features[k]), name_of_callable(self.patch_features[k]))) scales_info = '\n'.join(scales_info) cls_str = r"""Supervised Descent Method - Regression performed using the {reg_alg} algorithm - Regression class: {reg_cls} - Perturbations generated per shape: {n_perturbations} - Images scaled to diagonal: {diagonal:.2f} - Custom perturbation scheme used: {is_custom_perturb_func} - Scales: {scales} {scales_info} """.format( reg_alg=name_of_callable(self._sd_algorithm_cls[0]), reg_cls=name_of_callable(regressor_cls), n_perturbations=self.n_perturbations, diagonal=diagonal, is_custom_perturb_func=is_custom_perturb_func, scales=self.scales, scales_info=scales_info) return cls_str
# * # ************************* Non-Parametric Fitters ***************************** # * # Aliases for common combinations of supervised descent fitting
[docs]class SDM(SupervisedDescentFitter): r""" Class for training a non-parametric multi-scale Supervised Descent model using :map:`NonParametricNewton`. Parameters ---------- images : `list` of `menpo.image.Image` The `list` of training images. group : `str` or ``None``, optional The landmark group that corresponds to the ground truth shape of each image. If ``None`` and the images only have a single landmark group, then that is the one that will be used. Note that all the training images need to have the specified landmark group. bounding_box_group_glob : `glob` or ``None``, optional Glob that defines the bounding boxes to be used for training. If ``None``, then the bounding boxes of the ground truth shapes are used. reference_shape : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` or ``None``, optional The reference shape that will be used for normalising the size of the training images. The normalization is performed by rescaling all the training images so that the scale of their ground truth shapes matches the scale of the reference shape. Note that the reference shape is rescaled with respect to the `diagonal` before performing the normalisation. If ``None``, then the mean shape will be used. diagonal : `int` or ``None``, optional This parameter is used to rescale the reference shape so that the diagonal of its bounding box matches the provided value. In other words, this parameter controls the size of the model at the highest scale. If ``None``, then the reference shape does not get rescaled. holistic_features : `closure` or `list` of `closure`, optional The features that will be extracted from the training images. Note that the features are extracted before warping the images to the reference shape. If `list`, then it must define a feature function per scale. Please refer to `menpo.feature` for a list of potential features. patch_features : `closure` or `list` of `closure`, optional The features that will be extracted from the patches of the training images. Note that, as opposed to `holistic_features`, these features are extracted after extracting the patches. If `list`, then it must define a feature function per scale. Please refer to `menpo.feature` and `menpofit.feature` for a list of potential features. patch_shape : (`int`, `int`) or `list` of (`int`, `int`), optional The shape of the patches to be extracted. If a `list` is provided, then it defines a patch shape per scale. scales : `float` or `tuple` of `float`, optional The scale value of each scale. They must provided in ascending order, i.e. from lowest to highest scale. If `float`, then a single scale is assumed. n_iterations : `int` or `list` of `int`, optional The number of iterations (cascades) of each level. If `list`, it must specify a value per scale. If `int`, then it defines the total number of iterations (cascades) over all scales. n_perturbations : `int`, optional The number of perturbations to be generated from each of the bounding boxes using `perturb_from_gt_bounding_box`. perturb_from_gt_bounding_box : `callable`, optional The function that will be used to generate the perturbations from each of the bounding boxes. batch_size : `int` or ``None``, optional If an `int` is provided, then the training is performed in an incremental fashion on image batches of size equal to the provided value. If ``None``, then the training is performed directly on the all the images. verbose : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then the progress of the training will be printed. References ---------- .. [1] X. Xiong, and F. De la Torre. "Supervised Descent Method and its applications to face alignment", Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2013. """ def __init__(self, images, group=None, bounding_box_group_glob=None, reference_shape=None, diagonal=None, holistic_features=no_op, patch_features=no_op, patch_shape=(17, 17), scales=(0.5, 1.0), n_iterations=3, n_perturbations=30, perturb_from_gt_bounding_box=noisy_shape_from_bounding_box, batch_size=None, verbose=False): super(SDM, self).__init__( images, group=group, bounding_box_group_glob=bounding_box_group_glob, reference_shape=reference_shape, sd_algorithm_cls=NonParametricNewton, holistic_features=holistic_features, patch_features=patch_features, patch_shape=patch_shape, diagonal=diagonal, scales=scales, n_iterations=n_iterations, n_perturbations=n_perturbations, perturb_from_gt_bounding_box=perturb_from_gt_bounding_box, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=verbose)
[docs]class RegularizedSDM(SupervisedDescentFitter): r""" Class for training a non-parametric multi-scale Supervised Descent model using :map:`NonParametricNewton` with regularization. Parameters ---------- images : `list` of `menpo.image.Image` The `list` of training images. group : `str` or ``None``, optional The landmark group that corresponds to the ground truth shape of each image. If ``None`` and the images only have a single landmark group, then that is the one that will be used. Note that all the training images need to have the specified landmark group. bounding_box_group_glob : `glob` or ``None``, optional Glob that defines the bounding boxes to be used for training. If ``None``, then the bounding boxes of the ground truth shapes are used. alpha : `float`, optional The regression regularization parameter. reference_shape : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` or ``None``, optional The reference shape that will be used for normalising the size of the training images. The normalization is performed by rescaling all the training images so that the scale of their ground truth shapes matches the scale of the reference shape. Note that the reference shape is rescaled with respect to the `diagonal` before performing the normalisation. If ``None``, then the mean shape will be used. diagonal : `int` or ``None``, optional This parameter is used to rescale the reference shape so that the diagonal of its bounding box matches the provided value. In other words, this parameter controls the size of the model at the highest scale. If ``None``, then the reference shape does not get rescaled. holistic_features : `closure` or `list` of `closure`, optional The features that will be extracted from the training images. Note that the features are extracted before warping the images to the reference shape. If `list`, then it must define a feature function per scale. Please refer to `menpo.feature` for a list of potential features. patch_features : `closure` or `list` of `closure`, optional The features that will be extracted from the patches of the training images. Note that, as opposed to `holistic_features`, these features are extracted after extracting the patches. If `list`, then it must define a feature function per scale. Please refer to `menpo.feature` and `menpofit.feature` for a list of potential features. patch_shape : (`int`, `int`) or `list` of (`int`, `int`), optional The shape of the patches to be extracted. If a `list` is provided, then it defines a patch shape per scale. scales : `float` or `tuple` of `float`, optional The scale value of each scale. They must provided in ascending order, i.e. from lowest to highest scale. If `float`, then a single scale is assumed. n_iterations : `int` or `list` of `int`, optional The number of iterations (cascades) of each level. If `list`, it must specify a value per scale. If `int`, then it defines the total number of iterations (cascades) over all scales. n_perturbations : `int`, optional The number of perturbations to be generated from each of the bounding boxes using `perturb_from_gt_bounding_box`. perturb_from_gt_bounding_box : `callable`, optional The function that will be used to generate the perturbations from each of the bounding boxes. batch_size : `int` or ``None``, optional If an `int` is provided, then the training is performed in an incremental fashion on image batches of size equal to the provided value. If ``None``, then the training is performed directly on the all the images. verbose : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then the progress of the training will be printed. References ---------- .. [1] X. Xiong, and F. De la Torre. "Supervised Descent Method and its applications to face alignment", Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2013. """ def __init__(self, images, group=None, bounding_box_group_glob=None, alpha=0.0001, reference_shape=None, diagonal=None, holistic_features=no_op, patch_features=no_op, patch_shape=(17, 17), scales=(0.5, 1.0), n_iterations=6, n_perturbations=30, perturb_from_gt_bounding_box=noisy_shape_from_bounding_box, batch_size=None, verbose=False): super(RegularizedSDM, self).__init__( images, group=group, bounding_box_group_glob=bounding_box_group_glob, reference_shape=reference_shape, sd_algorithm_cls=partial(NonParametricNewton, alpha=alpha), holistic_features=holistic_features, patch_features=patch_features, patch_shape=patch_shape, diagonal=diagonal, scales=scales, n_iterations=n_iterations, n_perturbations=n_perturbations, perturb_from_gt_bounding_box=perturb_from_gt_bounding_box, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=verbose)