Source code for menpofit.builder

from __future__ import division
from functools import partial
import warnings
import numpy as np

from menpo.shape import mean_pointcloud, PointCloud, TriMesh
from menpo.image import Image, MaskedImage
from menpo.feature import no_op
from menpo.transform import Scale, Translation, GeneralizedProcrustesAnalysis
from menpo.visualize import print_dynamic

from menpofit.visualize import print_progress

[docs]class MenpoFitModelBuilderWarning(Warning): r""" A warning that the parameters chosen to build a given model may cause unexpected behaviour. """ pass
[docs]def compute_reference_shape(shapes, diagonal, verbose=False): r""" Function that computes the reference shape as the mean shape of the provided shapes. Parameters ---------- shapes : `list` of `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The set of shapes from which to build the reference shape. diagonal : `int` or ``None`` If `int`, it ensures that the mean shape is scaled so that the diagonal of the bounding box containing it matches the provided value. If ``None``, then the mean shape is not rescaled. verbose : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then progress information is printed. Returns ------- reference_shape : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The reference shape. """ # the reference_shape is the mean shape of the images' landmarks if verbose: print_dynamic('- Computing reference shape') reference_shape = mean_pointcloud(shapes) # fix the reference_shape's diagonal length if asked if diagonal: x, y = reference_shape.range() scale = diagonal / np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2) reference_shape = Scale(scale, reference_shape.n_dims).apply( reference_shape) return reference_shape
[docs]def rescale_images_to_reference_shape(images, group, reference_shape, verbose=False): r""" Function that normalizes the images' sizes with respect to the size of the provided reference shape. In other words, the function rescales the provided images so that the size of the bounding box of their attached shape is the same as the size of the bounding box of the provided reference shape. Parameters ---------- images : `list` of `menpo.image.Image` The set of images that will be rescaled. group : `str` or ``None`` If `str`, then it specifies the group of the images's shapes. If ``None``, then the images must have only one landmark group. reference_shape : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The reference shape. verbose : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then progress information is printed. Returns ------- normalized_images : `list` of `menpo.image.Image` The rescaled images. """ wrap = partial(print_progress, prefix='- Normalizing images size', end_with_newline=False, verbose=verbose) # Normalize the scaling of all images wrt the reference_shape size normalized_images = [i.rescale_to_pointcloud(reference_shape, group=group) for i in wrap(images)] return normalized_images
[docs]def normalization_wrt_reference_shape(images, group, diagonal, verbose=False): r""" Function that normalizes the images' sizes with respect to the size of the mean shape. This step is essential before building a deformable model. The normalization includes: 1) Computation of the reference shape as the mean shape of the images' landmarks. 2) Scaling of the reference shape using the diagonal. 3) Rescaling of all the images so that their shape's scale is in correspondence with the reference shape's scale. Parameters ---------- images : `list` of `menpo.image.Image` The set of images to normalize. group : `str` If `str`, then it specifies the group of the images's shapes. If ``None``, then the images must have only one landmark group. diagonal : `int` or ``None`` If `int`, it ensures that the mean shape is scaled so that the diagonal of the bounding box containing it matches the provided value. If ``None``, then the mean shape is not rescaled. verbose : `bool`, Optional Flag that controls information and progress printing. Returns ------- reference_shape : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The reference shape that was used to resize all training images to a consistent object size. normalized_images : `list` of `menpo.image.Image` The images with normalized size. """ # get shapes shapes = [i.landmarks[group] for i in images] # compute the reference shape and fix its diagonal length reference_shape = compute_reference_shape(shapes, diagonal, verbose=verbose) # normalize the scaling of all images wrt the reference_shape size normalized_images = rescale_images_to_reference_shape( images, group, reference_shape, verbose=verbose) return reference_shape, normalized_images
[docs]def compute_features(images, features, prefix='', verbose=False): r""" Function that extracts features from a list of images. Parameters ---------- images : `list` of `menpo.image.Image` The set of images. features : `callable` The features extraction function. Please refer to `menpo.feature` and `menpofit.feature`. prefix : `str` The prefix of the printed information. verbose : `bool`, Optional Flag that controls information and progress printing. Returns ------- feature_images : `list` of `menpo.image.Image` The list of feature images. """ wrap = partial(print_progress, prefix='{}Computing feature space'.format(prefix), end_with_newline=not prefix, verbose=verbose) return [features(i) for i in wrap(images)]
[docs]def scale_images(images, scale, prefix='', return_transforms=False, verbose=False): r""" Function that rescales a list of images and optionally returns the scale transforms. Parameters ---------- images : `list` of `menpo.image.Image` The set of images to scale. scale : `float` or `tuple` of `floats` The scale factor. If a tuple, the scale to apply to each dimension. If a single `float`, the scale will be applied uniformly across each dimension. prefix : `str`, optional The prefix of the printed information. return_transforms : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then a `list` with the `menpo.transform.Scale` objects that were used to perform the rescale for each image is also returned. verbose : `bool`, optional Flag that controls information and progress printing. Returns ------- scaled_images : `list` of `menpo.image.Image` The list of rescaled images. scale_transforms : `list` of `menpo.transform.Scale` The list of scale transforms that were used. It is returned only if `return_transforms` is ``True``. """ wrap = partial(print_progress, prefix='{}Scaling images'.format(prefix), end_with_newline=not prefix, verbose=verbose) if not np.allclose(scale, 1): # initialise scaled images and transforms lists scaled_images = [] scale_transforms = [] # for each image for i in wrap(images): if return_transforms: # store scaled image and transform, if asked sc_image, tr = i.rescale(scale, return_transform=True) scaled_images.append(sc_image) scale_transforms.append(tr) else: # store only scaled image scaled_images.append(i.rescale(scale)) if return_transforms: return scaled_images, scale_transforms else: return scaled_images else: if return_transforms: scale_transforms = [Scale(1., images[0].n_dims)] * len(images) return images, scale_transforms else: return images
[docs]def warp_images(images, shapes, reference_frame, transform, prefix='', verbose=None): r""" Function that warps a list of images into the provided reference frame. Parameters ---------- images : `list` of `menpo.image.Image` The set of images to warp. shapes : `list` of `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The set of shapes that correspond to the images. reference_frame : `menpo.image.BooleanImage` The reference frame to warp to. transform : `menpo.transform.Transform` Transform **from the reference frame back to the image**. Defines, for each pixel location on the reference frame, which pixel location should be sampled from on the image. prefix : `str` The prefix of the printed information. verbose : `bool`, Optional Flag that controls information and progress printing. Returns ------- warped_images : `list` of `menpo.image.MaskedImage` The list of warped images. """ wrap = partial(print_progress, prefix='{}Warping images'.format(prefix), end_with_newline=not prefix, verbose=verbose) warped_images = [] # Build a dummy transform, use set_target for efficiency warp_transform = transform(reference_frame.landmarks['source'], reference_frame.landmarks['source']) for i, s in wrap(list(zip(images, shapes))): # Update Transform Target warp_transform.set_target(s) # warp images warped_i = i.warp_to_mask(reference_frame.mask, warp_transform, warp_landmarks=False) # attach reference frame landmarks to images warped_i.landmarks['source'] = reference_frame.landmarks['source'] warped_images.append(warped_i) return warped_images
[docs]def extract_patches(images, shapes, patch_shape, normalise_function=no_op, prefix='', verbose=False): r""" Function that extracts patches around the landmarks of the provided images. Parameters ---------- images : `list` of `menpo.image.Image` The set of images to warp. shapes : `list` of `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The set of shapes that correspond to the images. patch_shape : (`int`, `int`) The shape of the patches. normalise_function : `callable` A normalisation function to apply on the values of the patches. prefix : `str` The prefix of the printed information. verbose : `bool`, Optional Flag that controls information and progress printing. Returns ------- patch_images : `list` of `menpo.image.Image` The list of images with the patches per image. Each output image has shape ``(n_center, n_offset, n_channels, patch_shape)``. """ wrap = partial(print_progress, prefix='{}Extracting patches'.format(prefix), end_with_newline=not prefix, verbose=verbose) parts_images = [] for i, s in wrap(list(zip(images, shapes))): parts = i.extract_patches(s, patch_shape=patch_shape, as_single_array=True) parts = normalise_function(parts) parts_images.append(Image(parts, copy=False)) return parts_images
[docs]def build_reference_frame(landmarks, boundary=3, group='source'): r""" Builds a reference frame from a particular set of landmarks. Parameters ---------- landmarks : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The landmarks that will be used to build the reference frame. boundary : `int`, optional The number of pixels to be left as a safe margin on the boundaries of the reference frame (has potential effects on the gradient computation). group : `str`, optional Group that will be assigned to the provided set of landmarks on the reference frame. Returns ------- reference_frame : `manpo.image.MaskedImage` The reference frame. """ if not isinstance(landmarks, TriMesh): warnings.warn('The reference shape passed is not a TriMesh or ' 'subclass and therefore the reference frame (mask) will ' 'be calculated via a Delaunay triangulation. This may ' 'cause small triangles and thus suboptimal warps.', MenpoFitModelBuilderWarning) return MaskedImage.init_from_pointcloud(landmarks, boundary=boundary, group=group, constrain_mask=True)
[docs]def build_patch_reference_frame(landmarks, boundary=3, group='source', patch_shape=(17, 17)): r""" Builds a patch-based reference frame from a particular set of landmarks. Parameters ---------- landmarks : `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The landmarks that will be used to build the reference frame. boundary : `int`, optional The number of pixels to be left as a safe margin on the boundaries of the reference frame (has potential effects on the gradient computation). group : `str`, optional Group that will be assigned to the provided set of landmarks on the reference frame. patch_shape : (`int`, `int`), optional The shape of the patches. Returns ------- patch_based_reference_frame : `menpo.image.MaskedImage` The patch-based reference frame. """ boundary = np.max(patch_shape) + boundary reference_frame = MaskedImage.init_from_pointcloud( landmarks, group=group, boundary=boundary, constrain_mask=False) # mask reference frame return reference_frame.constrain_mask_to_patches_around_landmarks( patch_shape, group=group)
[docs]def densify_shapes(shapes, reference_frame, transform): r""" Function that densifies a set of sparse shapes given a reference frame. Parameters ---------- shapes : `list` of `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The input shapes. reference_frame : `menpo.image.BooleanImage` The reference frame, the mask of which will be used. transform : `menpo.transform.Transform` The transform to use for mapping the dense points. Returns ------- dense_shapes : `list` of `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The list of dense shapes. """ # compute non-linear transforms transforms = [transform(reference_frame.landmarks['source'], s) for s in shapes] # build dense shapes dense_shapes = [] for (t, s) in zip(transforms, shapes): warped_points = t.apply(reference_frame.mask.true_indices()) dense_shape = PointCloud(np.vstack((s.points, warped_points))) dense_shapes.append(dense_shape) return dense_shapes
[docs]def align_shapes(shapes): r""" Function that aligns a set of shapes by applying Generalized Procrustes Analysis. Parameters ---------- shapes : `list` of `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The input shapes. Returns ------- aligned_shapes : `list` of `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The list of aligned shapes. """ # centralize shapes centered_shapes = [Translation(-s.centre()).apply(s) for s in shapes] # align centralized shape using Procrustes Analysis gpa = GeneralizedProcrustesAnalysis(centered_shapes) return [s.aligned_source() for s in gpa.transforms]
[docs]class MenpoFitBuilderWarning(Warning): r""" A warning that some part of building the model may cause issues. """ pass